Few tips I currently use :
If you want to clear all settings easiliy:
getSharedPreferences("...", MODE_PRIVATE).edit().clear().commit();
This method works well when:
* you don't have invisible settings, or you want them to be cleared
* you have specified default values correctly in the xml file
describing the preferences.

If you want to restart your activity with a single line of code, with
the same extras as before:
startActivity(getIntent()); //provided you didn't modify the original
intent of course

On 5 oct, 06:39, Amos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've implemented something similar and will leave it like this for
> now. My "resetpreferences" option is currently not in the main
> activity screen, but I'll move it there so it'll behave reasonably.
> Guess this is an example of the limitations of working with a
> framework rather than rolling your own code. I'm still very happy with
> thepreferencesframework, though - it's consistent, works well and
> saves a lot of time and hassle.
> Thanks!
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