On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Trevor Johns <trevorjo...@google.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Raymond C. Rodgers <
> raym...@badlucksoft.com> wrote:
>> On 7/27/2010 2:31 PM, Shane Isbell wrote:
>>> The implementation that Google offers also embeds code, which is
>>> inherently insecure but the docs also says: "For example, a copy-protected
>>> application cannot be downloaded from Market to a device that provides root
>>> access" This would limit the ability of people to pull off the application
>>> off of a rooted device. Is it possible for third-parties to detect if it is
>>> a rooted device?
>> I'm not sure that this is inherently insecure. Yes, it does use libraries
>> and a public key that will be embedded in the application, but public keys
>> are designed to be shared. All the client side is doing is verifying
>> information encrypted with the private key which isn't accessible, and
>> providing that information to the application for it to manage as the
>> developer decides. I may not have my security "A" game going today, but that
>> sounds reasonably secure to me. The private key isn't even made available to
>> the developer as I understand it, so the developer doesn't really have the
>> option of shooting themselves in the foot with it.
> In many ways, it's more secure to have the code embedded in the application
> (which is why we designed the library this way).

Decompiling apk and removing the license checks - it's insecure once the apk
leaves the device. If this is the assumption you are making for security,
it's already been disproven many times within the android community.

> If the license check was performed solely by the OS, an attacker could just
> use a modified firmware image to bypass the checks for all applications on
> the system.
> --
> Trevor Johns
> Google Developer Programs, Android
> http://developer.android.com
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Shane Isbell (Founder of ZappMarket)

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