If you are just doing a few items, it's not going to be a big deal.
Same with grabbing data from a database.  It's an issue when you have
to scroll through lots of data and repopulate views, deal with flings,
etc., while maintaining good speed.  Sounds like you won't have to
deal with this.

Another way to approach this is to work with something like
SimpleCursorAdapter and map your database onto the layout so it
automagically populates.  This only makes sense if you are going to
display a set of info; lists/grid.


On Aug 2, 10:11 am, Sebastián Treu <sebastian.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm kind of new to android development. I have read from many sources
> that findViewById() is a "costly" operation. I'm making an application
> that deals with 5 TextViews to provide different kinds of information
> (distance, duration, title, description, etc) from a database. I'm
> using listeners to catch touch/click events and feedbacks a handler.
> The main function of the handler is to received a "position" in the
> Cursor where the new information needs to be displayed.
> I mentioned earlier that findViewById() is a "costly" operation. So, I
> don't call this method in the handler. Doing so, it will retrieve
> every time the Views when user touchs/clicks some widget.
> Is it right to populate the Activity with private members of the
> Views/Layout it displays? I mean, I don't like it. I don't know why,
> but seems that I'm populating too much the activity. I'm aware of the
> android:onClick xml attribute, but in my case I also use long click
> listeners. So, a piece of onCreate() looks like:
> imageTitle  = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.title_image_view);
> title             = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.title;
> desc           = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.desc);
> duration     = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.duration);
> distance     = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.distance);
> And all of those are private members, wihout mention the
> "cursor.getColumnIndex()" for each. I thought on implementing
> Handler.Callback and set on the Hanlder.Callback constructor
> implementer a View array or a View list or something, but I also need
> this objects later to set other listeners and setups.
> Is this right? I cannot think another way, as I need the reference to
> the object, and also the Cursor reference that the handler will move
> to the "position" provided and update the correspondent View.
> I will really appreciate either an advice or a useful link/info/doc to
> read in what concern in this kind of designs. What I do not like is
> that It looks like imperative programming filling the Activity with
> "global" variables.
> Thanks,
> --
> If you want freedom, compile the source.
> Sebastián Treuhttp://labombiya.com.ar

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