Coming from the Windows world where the tools are really top notch, I
have to agree with the sentiment (if not the presentation) of grndvl1
point. Really there should be no need to have to know the XML if you
have a good designer tool. That tool is improving for sure, but it
still has a long way to go.

On Apr 3, 10:01 pm, grndvl1 <> wrote:
> Why is it I spend more time dealing with the layout of items than the
> actual coding of the program?  The Eclipse Graphical Layout tool
> really blows as it has a ton of errors and can't handle simple things
> like italic text in textview, scrollviews...  The layout parameters
> seem to be a hodge-podge of stuff thrown in there as an after thought,
> seems it wasn't really planned out.  They should have taken a lesson
> from Java's crappy Gridbag layout  and used or at least analyzed how
> Miglayout fixed many issues with Java GUI's.  I won't use any other
> layout manager other than Miglayout.  Anyway just venting here as I
> spent the last 1hr fixing something that should be so simple in a
> Scrollview/TableLayout/TableRow with ImageView and TextView in each
> row.

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