Im having trouble smoothing out a hand made animation, specifically the logo 
on my site at

The spinning sections of the logo are redrawn every frame rather a pair of 
rotating images, because rotating is slow and sometimes looks bad with poor 
rotation algorithms on other graphics libraries - the same code has been 
used over and over with a few different libraries now...

I currently have a Handler which is sending a reoccuring repaint call to 
recalculate and redraw the lines. For the most part this works, but 
occasionally it becomes a bit choppy. I assume this is because other jobs 
are being processed by the same looper? Garbach collection maybe? Is it best 
to try and pull the redraw loop out into a seperate thread/Looper? I should 
note that Im not too keen on doing that because I'll be using the same setup 
later with game animations - the world will need to be updated between 
screen refreshes making syncing two threads a lot of hard work when one 
thread will do.

Anyway here is code, with unrelated stuff removed and some names changed... 
The MyView class onDraw(), which is not shown, recalculates and redraws the 
lines of the logo on the view.

public class MyClass extends Activity{

  MyView view;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){

    view = new MyView(this);

    new RefreshHandler().run();

  class RefreshHandler extends Handler implements Runnable{
    public void run(){



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