The basic problem is that you've got millions of high school students
and college dropouts who fancy themselves programmers, and they're all
writing Android apps, hoping to come up with the next big hit.  A very
small number will develop into decent programmers, and an even smaller
(microscopic) number will have that big hit.  But a very small portion
of millions is still a lot of competition.

Additionally, Android, as it's currently designed, does not have
"legs".  The process model and UI are both too restrictive to be
extendable to the pads and other new paradigms of the future.

For the near term you're better off looking for apps that you can sell
to a business -- specialized apps their employees will use or apps
they will distribute free to customers.  Then you get your money up
front, in a reasonably predictable fashion.  (Here it helps to be able
to write Android, iPhone, and maybe Nokia and Blackberry apps, so you
can provide the customer with options.)

For the far term, you need to expand outside of the Android and even
the phone world, and learn other paradigms.  I'd recommend, eg, Qt for
desktop applications.  And you need to become familiar with HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, et al -- even though they are probably doomed to collapse
under their own weight in another 15 years, whatever follows will no
doubt draw from their basics.  Finally, you should learn about servers
and databases -- the general concepts will be around forever, even if
the specifics change.

And of course, the new big thing is "the cloud", though I'd take that
with a grain of salt.

On May 23, 1:11 pm, imran115 <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering what peoples thoughts maybe on the application that
> Android are developing, that allows people with no programming
> experience to create apps. I am currently learning the basics in
> Android development and wanted to pursue it as a career. Is there any
> point, as just about anyone will soon be able to create an app?
> The link below shows what I am talking about.
> Will programming for Android apps no longer be a specialist skill,
> hence not much of a career?

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