> This apporach of initially designing everyhting, trying to think of
> every little detail, forecasting in the future etc. is dead in
> software development. It works in some classical industries like
> avionics, but in consumer electronics, forget it, you cannot build any
> decent product with this classical approach.

That's not what I'm talking about.  Trying to design every little
detail is a sure-fire way to box yourself in.  A good design avoids
over-detailing, and, in fact, this is the area where I think Android
is at fault.  A good design is more like a Turing machine --
reasonably simple yet infinitely extensible.

On May 25, 5:26 pm, Ali Chousein <ali.chous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dan, you are looking from a very classical point of you. I mean the
> following:
> 1. " how much impact these 'limiting decisions' will have in the
> future..."
> 2. " thanks to good initial design (or sometimes just clever
> emulation), are able to advance their platforms while still
> maintaining compatibility with apps that are 30 years old."
> This apporach of initially designing everyhting, trying to think of
> every little detail, forecasting in the future etc. is dead in
> software development. It works in some classical industries like
> avionics, but in consumer electronics, forget it, you cannot build any
> decent product with this classical approach. (BTW, talking of
> forcasting, have you read the book 'The Black Swan'?) As others also
> mentioned, agile software development is the approach of building
> modern software, which can meet short time to market needs and
> changing requirements. Personally I don't see why Android is not
> capable of meeting changing requirements in the market. I have the
> impression that you have negative opinion of Android without even
> knowing much about the platform itself. Is your opinion based on hands-
> on software development experience on Android, or does it come from
> reading blogs (probably most of them written by foot soldiers of
> "that" company)? Sorry if I'm too blunt in asking such questions but
> you are talking very much in general terms without pinpointing any
> real shortcoming of the platform. If you say "it doesn't have good
> initial design", I would consider that as a plus instead of
> shortcoming, because I have better faith in teams which work agile,
> instead of waterfall.

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