On Jun 28, 5:47 pm, Zsolt Vasvari <zvasv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The ranking I see is the same as what the users see as I check it on a
> device I am not a user on.

So that's your ranking on two devices, out of 400+ out in the market.
I have good reason to believe that ranking varies by device and by
country and will soon vary even more by country.

But anyway, by that measure, I have gained two positions while my
Active Install % has gone down 8%. Sure hope I don't fall back down
when they fix the problem, but I hope they fix the problem

>For me, this is my
>primary income -- if somebody suddenly lowered your salary and you
>were told to take a chill pill, you wouldn't appreciate it too much.

No, I didn't. When I last had a day job, corporate did just that,
though. Then I found out I didn't have to take the pay cut, because I
was being downsized instead.

You do realize that selling Android apps is not a salaried position,
right? You are running your own business now.

I certainly understand protecting your primary income. So if posting
your complaints here helps restore the ranking you rightfully deserve,
by all means do it, even if you get unwanted advice. I assume you are
still working on making your app more awesome or working on the next
big thing if that just isn't possible to for it to be any more

I realize Zsolt doesn't want advice, but in case others here could
benefit . . .

I don't just think that people are obsessing too much with active
I think they are obsessing too much with *ranking*.

Do we think that our position in a particular category is or should be
where we get all our traffic from?

For example:

michael said:
>As a result, the ranking of the app went from a stable 125 to 180+, and I am 
>>seeing a significant drop in downloads.

Are you freaking kidding? So you believe that a significant percentage
of your installs came from people who scrolled through 20 screens to
find your app, and now you are losing traffic because they aren't
willing to scroll through 30 screens?

It takes significantly less finger strokes to type in a keyword search
than it does to scroll through 20 screens. If downloads are off, I'd
check to see if you are coming up in the relevant keyword searches. In
fact, you should do that anyway.

Why? Well in January, I was number one in the category, and yet I got
20 times as many installs from keyword search as I did from being high
in that category. Granted, my category starts with a T, not A or B.
But take it for what it is worth.


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