And for what it is worth, the Active Installs and Total Installs as
others have mentioned bear little relation to reality. I used to
obsess about them updating until I realised they don't relate to
actual sales.
The only way to know your real sales numbers is to use one of the
sales tracking solutions that other people have mentioned, or to count
your sales in the Merchant account. I use the Actuve Installs % as a
*very* general indication only.

As an aside, I know that we all treat the status of the market as a
bit of a joke now, and I guess most of us have come to accept that it
is what it is and is unlikely to change, but I do wonder why we put up
with it. Why are we so powerless to effect change, when it is us the
developers that make it succeed or fail?

It is bizarre that the Android tools, sdk and general support are
great, but the Market is such a steaming pile of poo.

On Jun 29, 9:47 am, Zsolt Vasvari <> wrote:
> Once again, I am not interested in your advice.  I am posting that
> hopefully somebody from Google takes notice -  -- as unlikely as that
> is - and realize that people's livelihoods are effected.
> On Jun 29, 9:41 am, John Coryat <> wrote:
> > >> And please don't tell me to take achillpill.
> > Well, you have a choice:
> > 1. Get all agitated, excited, panic, angry and have a nervous breakdown over
> > something you cannot possibly control or do anything to change.
> > 2. Justchillout and wait for it to get solved.
> > I suggest option 2.
> > There is option #3: Go to the Googleplex to try and find the mysterious
> > market team and hold them hostage until they fix the program. That though,
> > will result in you being carted off to the luny bin, frothing at the mouth
> > and screaming things that only other crazy people could possibly understand.
> > You'll make the news on that one.
> > -John Coryat- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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