No arguments here. This is not an evil plot, just good, old-fashioned
competition, which of course involves a fair amount of jumping up and down,
when stomping doesn't agree with one's size.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Disconnect <> wrote:

> Owned a commodity (j2me) tmobile phone recently? Non-tmobile-sourced j2me
> apps (unsigned, for those playing along at home, and tmob holds the keys)
> are prevented from accessing the net. (Right. No gmail.jad, no gmaps, no
> im+, nothing more connected than solitare.)  Even non-subsidized versions
> are sold that way.
> (And .. um.. not to point out the obvious.. but remind me how many places
> can sell iphone apps these days?)
> Tmobile and other carriers get the majority of the 'missing' money
> (although if you put me on the spot by asking for my reference I'd have to
> do some more digging to find it again.)
> And the various non-compete clauses are similar - what good is it to claim
> 20% for the carrier if devs just use a paypal link instead? All the "work"
> (and I'll admit they don't seem to have done much.. esp comments..) and none
> of the reward. (Same reasoning applies to not listing alternative markets.)
> Is it unpleasant? Sure, in some ways. But its not some evil plot, its
> simply the passed-on cost of being shipped on a device. (I'd maintain that,
> personally, the $25 pay-to-play is more unpleasant, even though its
> potentially - hopefully? - less money overall. Esp when used as a gatekeeper
> on the list of ADP1 shipping prices. But that's just me..)
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Shane Isbell <>wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Disconnect <>wrote:
>>> You realize they could have simply disabled the third-party-installer
>>> option, right? (Or not written one to begin with.)  They are far more than
>>> an application vendor in this space, and if they really wanted to "control
>>> the distribution channel for mobile content" they could have.
>> No they couldn't have. This shows a lack of understanding of the mobile
>> industry on your part. The carriers could have just told Google: "Tough
>> luck, go find another market to play in." Carriers would not have allowed
>> Google to enter, if they thought Google would lock down and control
>> everything. The openness of Android is some type of assurance against this.
>> Shane
> >

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