This got me thinking about my own app and how Google verifies these things. 
Depending on the material, it can be very easy for them to know if the 
material is copyrighted and if the developer in question have a license to 
use it. In my case, I don't think it's that easy.

I'm developing an app which will uses a couple of icon sets and I'm 
developing a free and paid app. The free app will only be using icons which 
specifically have a license that allow me to do so in a commercial app (the 
same set of icons will be in both versions). In the paid app, I'll be 
removing any icon set for which I don't have a license to use. But how does 
Google now?

I'm thinking about a specific icon set which is free to download and free 
to use under certain circumstances, one of them is not a paid app. But I 
could have bought a license to use it. Will they just ignore a situation 
like this (even if I was in violation of the copyrighted material), they 
really dig into the matter or they just cancel the account? I mean, the 
only way for them to know for sure (I repeat, on this specific situation) 
is to contact me and ask me for some kind of proof that I really have 
bought a license for those icons, or contact the icon author and ask if a 
guy with my developer account name has ever ought a license for them. Do 
they really do that?

Not that I'm trying to find how their process works to circumvent it, I 
just don't want to get my account suspended because they didn't take the 
time to really find out if I was in violation of copyrighted material or 
not. I'm really trying to avoid using stuff that I don't have a license 
for. I believe in giving credit where credit is due and if I want to use 
copyrighted material for which I need to pay first, I will, otherwise I 
won't use it.

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