May i suggest that if your set on doing this then you'll need to
explore solar charging.

On 25 November 2011 07:40, Kristopher Micinski <> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Bret Foreman <>
> wrote:
>> I'm looking to put a phone in a remote location off the grid to report
>> back some sensor data once a day. I can buy after-market extended-life
>> batteries for many popular phones and I'm wondering what kind of life
>> I might get from this arrangement. The big batteries hold about
>> 4000mAh. I'd like the whole rig to run for 4 months - about 2400
>> hours. That implies getting the average phone draw well below 2mA.
>> If my app keeps the phone in airplane mode except once a day to fire
>> up and send data, and if the rest of the wireless networking is turned
>> off, and if the screen is never on, does this sound feasible?
> Out of sheer curiosity, why not do this using some cheap wireless sensor
> network node?  It's a lot cheaper than a phone, and can get a lot better
> battery life.  I assume the reason is that there is some sensor on the phone
> you need?  Or perhaps that you want to use the telephony capabilities of the
> phone for something or another?
> kris
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