YuviDroid, confirmed your bug, happens on the BitmapDrawable
constructor, the DENSITY_DEFAULT is being used which is medium

On Feb 29, 11:48 am, Efi Merdler-Kravitz <efi.merd...@gmail.com>
> I think that medium density is being used by default. The only way I
> found to "bypass" it is by using explicit width and height in the xml
> layout, e.g.
> <ImageView
>         android:id="@+id/imageView1"
>         android:layout_width="480px"
>         android:layout_height="200px" />
> other, better ideas are welcomed.
> On Feb 23, 7:28 pm, YuviDroid <yuvidr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think I found the problem...and it looks like it's an Android bug.
> > Drawable.createFromStream() doesn't take as parameter a Resources object,
> > and later it calls Drawable.createFromResourceStream() passing 'null' as
> > the Resources parameter.
> > From my understanding the resources are then used to ensure that the
> > drawable will set its target density correctly, but by being 'null' some
> > default density is used.

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