Hi Dennis,
Is it link that you got your src code form:
Thank you for info
All the best

2012/5/2 DennisG <denn.gub...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> This is pretty easy. Download httpmime archieve from apache with source
> codes and copy content of src folder to your project src folder. This is
> all you need to do in eclipse.
> вторник, 1 мая 2012 г., 13:31:06 UTC+3 пользователь Slawomir Krupa написал:
>> Hi Dennis,
>> I am struggling with the same problem and it seems like there is no step
>> by step solution published on the web:( Could you please post the
>> printscreen of how did you embedded those .java files into you project? Did
>> you have to do it by downloading every single file form
>> http://grepcode.com/snapshot/**repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.**
>> apache.httpcomponents/**httpmime/4.1.2<http://grepcode.com/snapshot/repo1.maven.org/maven2/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpmime/4.1.2>(
>>  i.e. FileBody.java) and then add it by hand into your project or  did you
>> have to download just FileBody.java? Brother it really kills me because I
>> am wasting so much time trying to sort it out. Please if you have any
>> suggestions help. :)
>> W dniu wtorek, 10 kwietnia 2012 13:49:38 UTC+1 użytkownik DennisG napisał:
>>> Hi,
>>> I used to use org.apache.http.entity.**mime.content.FileBody
>>> with org.apache.http.entity.**mime.MultipartEntity sending files to
>>> server before. Suddenly I got a problem when upgrated to Android SDK ver
>>> 17th. Program is still compiled and started, but when it tries to
>>> instantiate org.apache.http.**entity.mime.content.FileBody class it
>>> raises the following exception:
>>> 04-10 11:35:43.385: E/dalvikvm(457): Could not find class
>>> 'org.apache.http.entity.mime.**content.FileBody', referenced from
>>> method com.leadertask.todo.android.**service.LTSyncHandler$**
>>> UploadSyncFileAsync.**doInBackground
>>> 04-10 11:35:43.385: W/dalvikvm(457): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance
>>> 818 (Lorg/apache/http/entity/mime/**content/FileBody;) in
>>> Lcom/leadertask/todo/android/**service/LTSyncHandler$**
>>> UploadSyncFileAsync;
>>> I tried different versions of httpmimeXXX.jar but problem persists.
>>> Funny thing is that org.apache.http.entity.**mime.content.StringBody
>>> and other classes from this library work fine. I guess that there is some
>>> conflict.
>>> When compiled on older version of Android SDK (ver 16) - everythihg
>>> works smoothly. So now I keeping old version of SDK on my backup laptop to
>>> compile this project.
>>> Could enyone to explain me please how can I solve this annoying problem?
>>> Regards, Dennis.
>>  --
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