You have to implement onShowCustomView and also onHideCustomView in your 
own webChromeClient class. After that you can view videos by clicking on 
them. However autoplay tag seems like not working with android from what i 
tried. Searching for google for "how to view html5 video in android" will 
take you to the answer. Good luck 
3 Haziran 2012 Pazar 22:02:21 UTC+3 tarihinde Angélica yazdı:
> Hello, 
> I am new in android, and I am developing an app, where I want to watch a 
> movie in a webview, using HTML 5, but the video doesn't appear, when I run 
> the app I can see only the video controls... 
> The code in html that I am using is:
> code = "<!DOCTYPE html>" +
>   "<html>" +
>   "<head>" +
>   "<title>Simple Movie Player</title>" +
>   "</head>" +
>   "<body>" +
>   "<video src=\""+ uri.toString() + "\"" +
>   " controls>" +
>   "</video>" +
>   "</body>" +
>   "</html>";
> The uri is from a video in the internal storage. I load this html code in 
> a webview by this command:
>  webview.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, code, null, "utf-8", null);
> Can anyone help me? I am trying very hard to do this!
> Thanks in advance,
> Angelica

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