Google has certainly posted "we're working on it" type hints on *many* issues 
/ upcoming features. Dates no, but it would be good to know if this is 
being looked at.

I certainly disagree that this does not belong in Android. Here a few 
reasons why (minimized):

   - There is a huge demand for "Parental Control" type management on 
   Android. Many parents buy Android devices for their young children and 
   teenagers and wish for some control and visibility vs "letting them loose" 
   with the device. The company I work for has sold many devices pre-bundled 
   with this functionality and I know from experience that many people simply 
   will not buy an Android device (or any other ecosystem) that does not 
   support/have this functionality.
   - Take a look at the hundreds (more?) of "App Lock" and "Parental 
   Control" type applications that currently exist on Android right now. All 
   of these applications are in high demand and all of them are currently 
   using hacks of various sorts for implementation. Many even requiring 
   rooting the device.
   - Android is already fragmented. What works on one device may not work 
   on another. I'm fine with that personally and love the diversity. However, 
   the general API set you can mostly rely on. Having each vendor create an 
   API for this kind of functionality would be an absolute nightmare.
   - In general, yes, applications should absolutely be sandboxed. And I 
   actually agree with the removal of READ_LOGS from a security standpoint due 
   to the amount of data most applications dump into logcat -- who knows what 
   goodies I could scrape from there. However, there should be exceptions to 
   the "control" portion of this rule as long as the user / device admin 
   authorizes it. 

As far as it being hard to maintain, I'm not seeing it. Start out with a 
few simplistic hooks for the common cases and go from there. Some of the 
hooks (e.g. IActivityWatcher or IProcessObserver) are/were already 
semi-present in the system as non-public and locked down APIs. What's 
needed is a good system for allowing device administrators to allow certain 
applications to use similar API sets.

I think at this point I may develop some customization's to Android myself, 
submit them, and hope for the best. I'm confident this can 
be implemented in a secure & user friendly manor. What I don't want it to 
waste my time if someone at Google is already doing it.

On Thursday, July 26, 2012 5:51:02 PM UTC-6, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
> I honestly don't see what you expect to be said. 
> The Android team has never released their plans for APIs until they 
> are actually stable.  It's sort of risky to promise things that might 
> not materialize.  While I agree this sort of functionality is useful, 
> I personally do *not* believe it belongs in Android. 
> I do believe, however, that it belongs in vendor specific mods, that 
> have custom apps. 
> Why?  Because vanilla Android shouldn't be tasked with these kinds of 
> extensions (personal opinion, mostly..). 
> It's hard to design these kinds of things, because for many people 
> this might be considered bloatware.  I agree that it's a useful 
> feature, no doubt, but I believe that it doesn't believe at the app 
> level (no app should be able to modify the system behavior, seems to 
> be an Android maxim at this point!), and not in the vanilla system 
> either. 
> This seems like something that has a lot of design decisions 
> associated with it, and for Google to maintain it would be very hectic 
> logistically.  I suspect that it's not completely implausible that 
> this will eventually appear in vanilla Android, but I find it somewhat 
> unlikely, just based off of the kinds of decisions I've seen made in 
> the platform to date. 
> kris 

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