On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 10:54 PM, Bryan  Ashby <nuskoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Google has certainly posted "we're working on it" type hints on many issues
> / upcoming features. Dates no, but it would be good to know if this is being
> looked at.

:: snip ::

> I think at this point I may develop some customization's to Android myself,
> submit them, and hope for the best. I'm confident this can be implemented in
> a secure & user friendly manor. What I don't want it to waste my time if
> someone at Google is already doing it.

Which is why you will be far more likely to determine "if someone at
Google is already doing it" if you make your own proposal for an
implementation, with the clear intent to follow through on with the
actual contribution, on the appropriate Google Group (e.g.,
android-contrib). What you will get on this list will be "we're
thinking about it" at most, and there have been some of those that are
years old with no implementation in sight, which is why I take such
statements with a very large grain of salt.

Though whether it can be implemented "in a secure & user friendly
manor" really depends on the style of home you live in. For example,
my contributions would come from a semi-secure and occasionally
user-hostile condo. :-)

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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