Thanks for the suggestions. Based on them I tried disabling all the camera 
auto parameters. There is still a range of about 0.2 s in the shutter lag 
time. In this application (and perhaps there are others), I'm more 
concerned about the variability and not the average duration of the lag 
time. I have posted a feature request to the Android issue tracker to add 
an optional minimum shutter time argument in Camera.takePicture() that 
would delay the shutter if it were ready before the specified minimum. If 
you think you might find that extra control helpful in a future 
application, "star" the feature request at

Thanks! --Greg

P.S., We have the same initials, and for a while a few years ago I used 
those same initials as an on-line signature. Our writing styles are similar 
enough that I sometimes read your posts and momentarily wonder, "Did I 
write that?" :*)

On Monday, July 30, 2012 9:02:37 PM UTC-4, gjs wrote:
> Hi,
> Set other camera parameter values to non-auto settings eg: set a specific 
> white balance such as daylight, set flash to off etc.
> Other than that ensure there is no other non essential app's / services 
> running at the same time & examine your own app to minimise or eliminate 
> any garbage collection, reduce sensor use / frequency.
> Try a few different devices, dual cores, quad cores particularly those 
> claiming zero shutter lag. Some devices let you vary the camera preview 
> frame rate & preview size maybe try this as well, not sure if that would 
> make a difference as I've have not tried this myself.
> If that is still not good enough consider triggering a remote camera 
> instead, such as an SLR via bluetooth or usb.
> Regards 
> On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 6:41:53 AM UTC+10, greg wrote:
>> Thanks Richard. Setting the focus to 
>> Camera.Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY helped as shown in the added 
>> histogram at 
>> At the risk of sounding like an ingrate, do you have any ideas on how to 
>> reduce the variability even more? (A range of 0.2 s still covers a large 
>> portion of the periodic motion.)
>> -- Greg
>> On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:05:50 PM UTC-4, RichardC wrote:
>>> Could it be related to auto-focus? Try turning it off.
>>> On Monday, July 30, 2012 7:55:52 PM UTC+1, greg wrote:
>>>> Given a known periodic motion (e.g., walking), I'd like to take a full 
>>>> resolution snapshot at the same point in the motion (i.e., the same time 
>>>> offset within different periods). However on the Nexus S (currently 
>>>> running 
>>>> OS 4.1.1 but the same was true of previous OS versions), I'm seeing so 
>>>> much 
>>>> variability in the shutter lag that I cannot accurately plan the timing of 
>>>> the snapshot. Is there anything I can do in the application to reduce this 
>>>> shutter lag variability? (In this application, the mean lag can be any 
>>>> duration but the standard deviation must be small ... much smaller than 
>>>> the 
>>>> 0.5 s standard deviation I am seeing.) I'm hoping someone has a clever 
>>>> suggestion. If I don't get any suggestions, I'll post a feature request in 
>>>> the Android bug tracker.
>>>> I've posted the same question (and showing a histogram of camera 
>>>> shutter lag times) at
>>>> Thanks! -- Greg

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