The problem is probably that your list item is opaque. The selector
is, by default, drawn *behind* the list item. either use a different
selector, or draw it on top (which requires a different selector
anyway since the default one is opaque) or make your list items'
background support the selected state.

Also, instead of setting a single solid color, you should use colors
that support states.

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Greg Krimer <> wrote:
> Hi, can you check out this thread to see if it is the same problem you
> are having: 
> Basically, try setting the text color to an explicit value (as opposed
> to a style).
> Also, have a look at: 
> or its XML equivalent android:listSelector.
> If neither of these help, post your code.
> On Feb 16, 2:46 pm, Selmi <> wrote:
>> when i have listview and i use some listadapter provided by android
>> api then when you touch item in list it flashes with orange colour and
>> then action is processed
>> if i have my own adapter this flash doesn't happen. instead text color
>> changes to black for a moment (and becomes unreadable)  is there
>> something special i need to do to enable it?
>> my adapter is actually based on cursoradapter and all it does is that
>> it adds onClick handlers to some of controls used in list item layout
>> and sets values of some widgets which are not handled by
>> simplecursoradapter by default
> >

Romain Guy
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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