i gave up, now it always opens popup menu with possibilities and it
doesn't matter on what exactly is clicked on. its not so nice but it
works and it was accepted by customers so lets live with it :) thanks

On 20. Feb, 21:56 h., Greg Krimer <gkri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh! In that case I think the behavior you are observing is by design.
> Have a look at this thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> On Feb 19, 4:09 pm, Selmi <se...@centrum.sk> wrote:
> > I am not able to find out how to do it. Now i am sure that its because
> > i capture onClick for embedded TextView. I tried to do this in
> > handler:
> > v is clicked TextView
> > final View view=(View)(v.getParent()); //to get RelativeLayout which
> > is list item
> > final Drawable drawable=getListView().getSelector();
> > view.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);
> > view.invalidate();
> > idea was that this will set list selector as background and it will
> > look like it should. but in reality it draws selector to wrong item!
> > and sooner or later several selectors appear on screen... so this is
> > not solution. i am afraid i am not understanding something fundamental
> > On 18. Feb, 01:55 h., Selmi <se...@centrum.sk> wrote:
> > > i found what is problem
> > > in layout which is used by list item i have several controls. for
> > > simplicity i narrowed it down to checkbox and textview
> > > i want to do such thing that if you touch checkbox then one action
> > > happens, if you touch something else (textview in my case) then
> > > something else happens
> > > if you press navigation button then i choose one of these actions in
> > > program
> > > and this is problem. i don't know which view inside list item was
> > > pressed when i get into onListItemClick method. so i added
> > > onCheckedChangeListener to checkbox to know if something happens.
> > > still everything works. then i added onClickListener to remaining
> > > textview control, and since then there is no visible flash of focus,
> > > but instead color changes to black
> > > so problem really seems to be in this onClickListener. i guess issue
> > > is that because i catch click in textview it won't get into ListView
> > > processing.
> > > i tried to use LayoutInflater to get layout for
> > > android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, then get color states for its
> > > text1 and set it for my textview in hope it will behave the same then.
> > > it doesn't.
> > > so to solve this i see two ways and none of them i know how to do
> > > 1 - do something so i will know which exactly view was pressed when i
> > > get to onListItemClick method. this would be the best solution if its
> > > possible
> > > 2 - find a way how to set my textview to exactly same color states
> > > which are used by list by default
> > > 3 - maybe something else i don't know what. this list selector idea i
> > > don't like much because for i have to make it look and behave exactly
> > > the same as android does it by default (this is condition i can't
> > > argue about)
> > > any idea?
> > > On 17. Feb, 04:36 h., Romain Guy <romain...@google.com> wrote:
> > > > The problem is probably that your list item is opaque. The selector
> > > > is, by default, drawn *behind* the list item. either use a different
> > > > selector, or draw it on top (which requires a different selector
> > > > anyway since the default one is opaque) or make your list items'
> > > > background support the selected state.
> > > > Also, instead of setting a single solid color, you should use colors
> > > > that support states.
> > > > On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Greg Krimer <gkri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hi, can you check out this thread to see if it is the same problem you
> > > > > are 
> > > > > having:http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> > > > > Basically, try setting the text color to an explicit value (as opposed
> > > > > to a style).
> > > > > Also, have a look 
> > > > > at:http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/AbsListView.htm...)
> > > > > or its XML equivalent android:listSelector.
> > > > > If neither of these help, post your code.
> > > > > On Feb 16, 2:46 pm, Selmi <se...@centrum.sk> wrote:
> > > > >> when i have listview and i use some listadapter provided by android
> > > > >> api then when you touch item in list it flashes with orange colour 
> > > > >> and
> > > > >> then action is processed
> > > > >> if i have my own adapter this flash doesn't happen. instead text 
> > > > >> color
> > > > >> changes to black for a moment (and becomes unreadable)  is there
> > > > >> something special i need to do to enable it?
> > > > >> my adapter is actually based on cursoradapter and all it does is that
> > > > >> it adds onClick handlers to some of controls used in list item layout
> > > > >> and sets values of some widgets which are not handled by
> > > > >> simplecursoradapter by default
> > > > --
> > > > Romain Guy
> > > > Android framework engineer
> > > > romain...@android.com
> > > > Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
> > > > to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
> > > > public forums, where I and others can see and answer them
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