says that persistent=true means that the system will try to keep your
app running at all times. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with
preferences, although having fewer restarts could easily make any
nondeterministic bug with preference saving show up much less often.

On Feb 7, 3:03 pm, Eric B <> wrote:
> A while ago, I posted (see links below) about a problem with my app.
> Whenever the app was killed by the OS, either memory cleanup or device
> restart, all the preferences were reset.  Since my app worked entirely
> from those preferences, it made it pretty much useless.
> I found out that persistent for SharedPreferences is not turned on by
> default.  If you add the following attribute to the root element,
> PreferenceScreen, of your preferences xml file, then it will turn
> persistence on and your preferences will not get reset any more.
> android:persistent="true"
> I hope this helps some of you out there, as it was very frustrating
> for me.
> Thanks,
> Eric

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