Thanks Boston, but I'm doing the app in 2D. I would've liked to have
done 3D (and probably my prof.) but the added complexity didn't mesh
with the time constraints of a college student.

On Mar 9, 12:17 pm, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> I did the same with my app, The Gube, an OpenGL app.
> It took me a while to figure out how to translate swipes of finger
> into the rotation of the entire rubik's cube or to have a swipe
> initiate the rotation of just one layer.
> If your app is OpenGL (3D) as well, let me know if you need some help
> on this (translating onTouch events into motions/gestures in 3D
> space).
> On Mar 9, 10:51 am, kbeal10 <> wrote:
> > I agree, having more than 2 threads seems to break from the
> > traditional paradigm, which is part of the reason it didn't seem like
> > a good answer.
> > Since I wouldn't be able to have a ViewGroup in it's own thread, I
> > suppose the best solution is to create a SurfaceView that handles
> > drawing all of the dice. This is the way I had started, but liked the
> > idea of each die being a View in order to handle onTouchEvents.
> > Instead, the dice would simply be Drawables. Selecting one would mean
> > getting the coords of the onTouchEvent, and determining if that is on
> > top of a die.
> > On Mar 9, 4:14 am, Stoyan Damov <> wrote:
> > > Ummmm, I don't want to sound insulting in anyway but being a complete
> > > newbie in game programming I can *assure* you you're about to do
> > > something fundamentally wrong.
> > > Your game only needs 2 threads - the UI (main) thread, and a secondary
> > > which runs your game loop.
> > > If you are a newbie as well, you'll need to read a couple of books, or
> > > at least a dozen of articles on game programming before even thinking
> > > of creating your own game.
> > > Cheers
> > > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 5:38 AM, kbeal10 <> wrote:
> > > > I'm currently designing a game that will be displaying several dice. I
> > > > would like to know the wisest course of action. The dice will extend
> > > > View (or SurfaceView), so that each will be able to be touched, etc.
> > > > My question is should I:
> > > > A.) Spawn one child thread to draw all of the dice (up to 6). I would
> > > > do this by writing a class that extends ViewGroup or one of the
> > > > Layouts and having it create a new thread. Or...
> > > > B.) should I spawn a new thread for each die? Each die would extend
> > > > View, or possibly SurfaceView and have its own thread to perform the
> > > > onDraw() (i.e. the LunarLander example).
> > > > Which solution would yield better performance/responsiveness? Would up
> > > > to 6 child threads be necessary, or a detriment?
> > > > I'm asking because I understand how I would implement the B.) solution
> > > > already. It closely follows the LunarLander example and I have already
> > > > implemented another section of the game in the same fashion. Other the
> > > > other hand, creating up to 6 child threads seems like it may be a bit
> > > > much on resources. However, I am unsure how I would implement a
> > > > ViewGroup that does its work in a child thread.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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