These reports don't sound good at all. I'm just wondering why some
developers don't have any problems at all.

On Apr 23, 10:36 pm, "nEx.Software" <> wrote:
> I was having this issue but couldn't figure it out. Now, I store all
> of my settings in the SQLiteDatabase I use for the rest of the
> Application. I don't even touch theSharedPreferencesfor fear of
> losing the Preferences altogether.
> On Apr 23, 1:27 pm, Mattaku Betsujin <>
> wrote:
> > I also saw the prefs being lost ocassionally, especially after update or
> > reinstall. I haven't seen it happen (yet) after quoting, but maybe that's
> > just luck.
> > I will also add a call to setPersistent to my app see if that helps.
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:12 PM, scanning_it
> > <>wrote:
> > > Thank you for your responses. By the way I love Nubinews. :)
> > > It is a known bug that & signs lead to a loss of shared prefs. But my
> > > settings don't include these signs. :( I have only the following
> > > things included as strings:
> > > content://media/internal/audio/media/33
> > > 100,200,300,400....
> > > So this can't be the problem with my settings loss. :( I will try
> > > using to quote the strings right now and I hope to fix the problems
> > > with that. My problem ist that I can't reproduce the bug on a daily
> > > basis. Often it works with the same settings for weeks and suddenly
> > > the prefs are gone.
> > > On Apr 23, 7:09 pm, Mattaku Betsujin <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > I found that the preferences XML will break very easily if you store 
> > > > some
> > > > Strings containing 'special' characters. I am not sure what exactly 
> > > > those
> > > > are, but when I stored things like
> > > >      putString("someurl", "http://xyz/?a=b&c=d";)
> > > > the preference file becomes empty next time I try to open it.
> > > > My solution is to quote all Strings that I put into the
> > >SharedPreferences.
> > > > After that my problems seems to go away.
> > > > I couldn't find a Base64 encoder in the Android API, so I wrote a
> > > > quick-and-dirty PrefQuote class:
> > > >
> > > >      putString("someurl", PrefQuote.quote("http://xyz/?a=b";))
> > > > Hope this helps
> > > > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:56 AM, bo <> wrote:
> > > > > I doSharedPreferences.Editor.commit() in couple of places. 1.
> > > > > Immediately after setting the preference. 2. in Activity#onStop.
> > > > > Nevertheless when I restart the app the preferences are gone. Any more
> > > > > ideas? I do create prefs programmaticaly after harvesting these from
> > > > > user (username/pwd)
> > > > > On Apr 21, 11:00 pm, Chander Pechetty <> wrote:
> > > > > > Sorry, I was referring to the settings created using
> > > > > > PreferenceActivity screen using xml. Your actual preference values 
> > > > > > do
> > > > > > not help much in diagnosing the issue.
> > > > > > Example snippet from loadingpreferencesfrom xml:
> > > > > >                     <CheckBoxPreference android:key="pref1"
> > > > > >                         android:title="pref1"
> > > > > >                         android:summaryOn="SummaryOn"
> > > > > >                         android:summaryOff="SummaryOff"
> > > > > >                         android:defaultValue="true"
> > > > > >                         android:persistent="true"/>
> > > > > > Forpreferencescreated programatically, you can use
> > > > > > Preference.setPersistent(true);
> > > > > > If no Settings screen is present, and everything is through your
> > > > > > program, then batchSharedPreferences.Editor.commit()'s should be
> > > > > > fine.
> > > > > > I had a similar problem as yours, but have not faced it again so 
> > > > > > far.
> > > > > > Other than the known issue mentioned in the previous post, I don't
> > > > > > know what else the problem could be unless you post your code
> > > > > > perhaps...
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