I don't want to single out any particular app, but conversely should a
developer sell an application that can't be supported in the future because
it uses an undocumented API?

2009/4/24 Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com>

> I wouldn't worry, you can always do a chargeback on your credit card for
> power manager and Google will approve it through and fine the developer $3
> all without asking them...
> Nice... Not.
> Al.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of nEx.Software
> Sent: 24 April 2009 20:01
> To: Android Developers
> Subject: [android-developers] Re: Android v. 1.5 = FAIL #2: Directly
> Manipulating Settings
> So, if I understand this all correctly... Those of us who have paid for an
> app to toggle settings for us, specifically - Power Manager (which, by the
> way, is currently the 2nd most popular Paid Application), have thrown away
> our money since we will be prompted to allow changes for some of the
> settings every time the application wants to change them? Man, I am glad
> this app was only $0.99, otherwise I'd be really ticked off. Not to mention
> that I will not be able to conserve battery life as well as I do now,
> meaning that this effort to help users conserve battery life actually hurts
> me (and 10,000 - 50,000 other users who have purchased Power Manager).
> On Apr 24, 10:48 am, Tom Gibara <m...@tomgibara.com> wrote:
> > > ... The GPS hardware will only actually be powered up> if someone is
> >
> > asking to get data from it.... Another way> to look at this -- the GPS
> > setting is primarily there for
> > > privacy, to allow users to determine whether is okay -at
> > > all- for anyone to be getting the fine-grained information about
> > > where they are.
> >
> > So it's really unfortunate that the explanation for the GPS setting
> reads:
> > "deselect to conserve battery", it gives every user I've discussed it
> > with the impression that enabling the setting will drain their battery
> > faster independently of what applications choose to do. This is
> > enforced the absence of similar indications for other settings.
> >
> > Tom.
> >

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