I got to see the error condition with hierarchyviewer. The ListView is
visible but the TextViews that contain the lines of text are missing
from the diagram.  That is why the list of items does not appear.  I
did a print screen to capture the diagrams of the error condition and
the normal condition.

Here are the properties and values of the ListView.  Does this provide
any clues?

absolute_x      0
absolute_y      91
getBaseline()   -1
getDescendantFocusability()     FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS
getHeight()     0
getPersistentDrawingCache()     SCROLLING
getSelectedView()       null
getTag()        null
getVisibility() VISIBLE
getWidth()      0
hasFocus()      true
isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled() false
isAnimationCacheEnabled()       true
isChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled()       false
isClickable()   false
isDrawingCacheEnabled() false
isEnabled()     true
isFocusable()   true
isFocusableInTouchMode()        true
isFocused()     true
isInTouchMode() true
isSelected()    false
isSoundEffectsEnabled() true
layout_bottomMargin     0
layout_height   FILL_PARENT
layout_leftMargin       0
layout_rightMargin      0
layout_topMargin        0
layout_width    FILL_PARENT
mBottom 0
mFirstPosition  0
mID     id/tab2
mItemCount      3
mLeft   0
mMeasuredHeight 0
mMeasuredWidth  0
mNextSelectedPosition   -1
mPaddingBottom  0
mPaddingLeft    0
mPaddingRight   0
mPaddingTop     0
mRight  0
mScrollX        0
mScrollY        0
mSelectedPosition       -1
mTop    0
mUserPaddingBottom      0

On Apr 30, 12:26 pm, "Mark Murphy" <> wrote:
> > How are bugs reported to Google?
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!
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