Mark, same setup as you've got.  I went so far as to download the
latest windows Version: 3.4.1Build id: M20080911-1700 of eclipse
yesterday, then did the latest android plugin .9 in my ganymede 1.5

FYI, today I'm getting website cannot be found errors for CNN and
other test sites.  This seems like either firewall or something
obviously internet related missing in the project declarations.  i am
just so tired of digging and digging.  why can't someone on all these
android help sites just post a (working) 1.5 project in zip format?
Stop with the millions of "chunks" of code and just put the stupid
25kb zip files already :)

On May 4, 4:14 pm, dni_linux <> wrote:
> I should have mentioned that.  Yes, I did try the Browser app in
> Android and it was able to bring up websites.  Yes, I'm behind a
> firewall.  However, i've never before experienced web access problems
> (and besides, the built-in android browser works as just mentioned).
> I figured that most people are not having problems.  (Otherwise,
> there'd be a bigger outcry.)  I'm guessing too it's with my setup but
> I have no idea what it could be.  I also should have mentioned I'm
> using Eclipse 3.4.  As for user sss who started this thread, i'm not
> sure if his setup is similar to mine.  Can this be some kind macos-
> ganymede-sdk1.5 problem?
> On May 4, 2:50 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> > dni_linux wrote:
> > > I'm getting the same problem too.  I'm using Eclipse with ADT plugin
> > > on a Mac (10.5.6).
> > > I'm a newb so i'm having trouble just running the Hello, WebView
> > > example.  Blank screen in the webview when I run it.
> > >
> > > Nothing seems wrong in the console log:
> > > <log>
> > > Installing HelloWebView.apk...
> > > Success!
> > > Starting activity com.example.webview.HelloWebView on device
> > > ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { comp={com.example.webview/
> > > com.example.webview.HelloWebView} }
> > > </log>
> > > Any help/suggestions would be appreciated !!!  :)
> > Are you behind a firewall, proxy server, or anything that might
> > interfere with Web access?
> > Does the built-in Browser application work? If it fails, then the issue
> > is not with your code, but with something about your environment.
> > I have tried some WebView code from both my Android and Advanced Android
> > books with Android 1.5 within the past couple of hours, and they have
> > all worked, so I feel really confident that WebView is not completely
> > broken.
> > --
> > Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> > Guy)|
> > Android App Developer Training:
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