My responses are in-line to your questions

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Lout<> wrote:
> While you developers relax... would you mind sharing what apps to
> expect through this challenge.. and anything else you wish to share
> about ADC2 submissions... well anything including the fact: 'thank
> God, no more sleep less nights'!
> Am collecting information about the challenge (ADC2) for a news
> article as am with cnet (and AP). Pitch your app if you have already
> published or would soon publish on the market too.
> Your app name and description, web link if any, experience with
> ADC2, ... anything would be useful for our article(s).
Pigs Can Fly Site Monitor
It monitors your website to see if its still online. It also checks to
see if its been linked from slashdot or reddit so you can get a bit of
a warning before the hordes descend on your server :)
A site link is :
ADC2 experience is mostly positive, I was a bit concerned about how
long it took for the submission site to open up because I was
travelling at the end of the month and I didn't want to miss the
deadline. Fortunately that worked out for me.
> And do you feel that there would have been more submissions than in
> ADC1?
I'd guess yes, but that is just pure speculation on my part.
> Is the competition going to be tougher or less profound as you were
> allowed to put up apps not published before 1st Aug only?
The competition probably won't be as tough as it would have been had
all non-ADC1 applications been able to submit.
> Do you think that all apps that didn't try for ADC1 should have had a
> chance?
No. Obviously I'm somewhat biased in this, but the idea was to
encourage new application development (as far as I can tell), so only
allowing new applications seems quite reasonable.
> Congratulations on your submissions while you wait for the next
> phase.
> Thanks,
> Lout Reilly
> ps: Moderators we request you to let this through so that you too get
> some feedback.
> >

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