Howdy. Hopefully it's not too late for this reply (fyi to any google
people: my RSS reader (Akregator) stopped reading the feed from this

 App:                Time-Lapse
 Category:           Media
 Description:        Allows you to easily record time-lapse videos
directly to .mov files that are YouTube and VLC compatible. Hopefully,
this will make timelapse more convenient  for casual photographers.
 Feedback:           I was able to start this app around May and it
had been on the market since August 3rd. I feel more comfortable with
this app up on the ADC because it had a few downloads and some

 Game:               Furdiburb
 Category:           Casual/Puzzle
 Description:        Furdiburb is a lovable alien pet you can grow to
love. He eats, poops, hatches, and grows old. Furdiburb is more of a
pet than a game.
 Feedback:           We started development in early July. It was
sleepless nights and constants work (being that we have other things
to do during the day). In the end we released the app at the last
moment we could and just now we are realizing there are some bugs. It
would have been nice if an update/bug fix window had been allowed -
that way the app can see some real world use, which would hopefully
uncover any missed critical bugs that we could repair. After all, a
large factor of a successful app revolves around its maintenance and
customer service experience.

Thank You!

On Sep 5, 4:29 am, Junda <> wrote:
> App Name: txeet
> Slogan: Have fun texting
> URL:
> Category: Tools/Productivity
> txeet is an application that aims to making sending SMS fun and
> convenient.
> The features that I had intended in the beginning includes inserting
> templates, voting and submitting templates, smart placeholders such as
> {firstname} and {number}, SMS dictionary, emoticons and styling
> messages. But I ended up submitting the app with only 5% of what was
> intended. The only feature left is styling the messages.
> A big mistake I had was to choose Google App Engine (GAE) in Java as
> the server technology. Pardon me. GAE is great, I love it and it would
> be my choice for server technology. But I am new to GAE, and there is
> so much to learn, so many pitfalls to fall into.. I ended up spending
> 3 tiring weeks to get things done with GAE – implementing Restlets,
> using JDO, writing queries, doing pagination, serializing/
> deserializing JSON format, etc..
> In total, I spent 2 months (only weekends) working on the application.
> The experience is more of a learning one for me, getting to know GAE
> and Android better (:
> Would be great if there is a ADC3!
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