Compatibility with 1.6 could be a real problem for ADC2.

Yesterday I got the update to Donut on my G1. I had installed the ADC2
judging app a couple of days before. The judging app still works fine.
Last night I downloaded an entry called OpenGesture. It force crashed
over and over. I'm unable to tell whether the app is crashing because
it is poorly designed, or because of compatibility issues with 1.6. I
gave the developers the benefit of the doubt and gave the app an
overall 3 star rating.

This sounds like the coincidence of ADC2 and the release of Donut was
not thought through very well. There could be some ugly backlash on

On Sep 29, 6:58 pm, b2amedina <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Have a question about ADC2 submissions and Android 1.6 (Donut)
> We rigorously tested our submission (CubeWorks,
> with Android 1.5 but it crashes on startup with 1.6
> If the rumors are true andDonutdoes become available next week won't
> that make judging unfair since some judges may be using 1.6
> The 1.6 SDK was made available on Sept 15 and the ADC2 submissions
> closed Aug 30th.
> Our trouble is being caused by the android.opengl.GLU.gluUnProject()
> method but I am sure there are other minor incompatibilities between
> the two versions.
> 09-17 01:52:04.569: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(796):
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: length - offset < n
> 09-17 01:52:04.569: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(796):     at
> android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV(Native Method)
> 09-17 01:52:04.569: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(796):     at
> android.opengl.GLU.gluUnProject(
> Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
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