There's a good blog post on this issue re games here:

I started doing game updates in a separate thread, instead of on the
render thread, in an OpenGL game I've been writing recently as well.
It did result in some improvement.

I normally log frame rate stats every 300 calls to onDrawFrame. The
longest time between calls, ignoring times when the garbage collector
triggers, used to be ~100ms. Doing updates in a separate thread cut
that measurement down by about 10-20ms.

On Nov 12, 10:55 am, Neilz <> wrote:
> Well yes, but that isn't quite the same thing, is it? In LunarLander
> the thread that does the drawing is also the thread that does the
> logic. I took this statement from the dev guide to mean that you have
> a separate thread for each. I suppose the best thing I can do is code
> and experiment and see if I get any improvements...
> On Nov 12, 2:58 pm, RichardC <> wrote:
> > There is a nice simple game example (with multiple threads) in the SDK
> > samples called LunarLander

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