On Nov 20, 2009, at 6:55 AM, Henry wrote:

> Now, it always return just one row. I tried several ways, like
>   ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.CONTACT_ID + " in ('1', '2',
> '3');
> It always one row.   If I just contact id "3", it will return contact
> 3.
> Do you know a way to get all the emails in one single query?

Honestly, given the schema (raw contacts and virtual contacts all stored 
together), if you just want all email addresses while maintaining any sort of 
mapping to their respective contacts, I would query all the contacts 
individually.  (Do a query that returns all the contacts, then a query on each 
of them to return the emails, eliminating duplicates.)

Am I misunderstanding the usage case?

(I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to work more on the Contacts 2.0 FAQ 
and samples that we've gathered so far, too!)

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