Is there an API to determine the phone's version of Android? For now,
I'm using try-catch. Sucky but works.

Also, my 2.0 built APK does not run on my G1 phone. Maybe it's
something I've done but I haven't dug into it. Maybe that's what you
meant by "intelligent" class loading.... do you mean Class.forName()
or Class.loadClass() or whatever its called instead of import

For now I'm having to reverse engineer the URI for 2.0 and use it so I
have files which build on 1.5 but run with 2.0.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 7:15 AM, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> axel wrote:
>> Back to the original question: Apps working well with 1.5/1.6 are
>> broken with 2.0 - exactly the same problem I have.
>> AFAIK the code below is perfectly valid and should continue to work
>> with 2.0 - unfortunately it does not.
>> String[] returnColumns = new String[] {
>>                 Contacts.ContactMethods.PERSON_ID,
>>                 Contacts.ContactMethods.DISPLAY_NAME,
>>                 Contacts.ContactMethods.KIND,
>>                 Contacts.ContactMethods.DATA,
>>                 Contacts.ContactMethods.TYPE
>>                 };
>> Cursor cursor = activity.managedQuery
>> (Contacts.ContactMethods.CONTENT_URI, returnColumns, null, null,
>> Contacts.ContactMethods.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC");
>> In 2.0 AVD I always get 0 for cursor.getCount() - in 1.5/1.6 AVD this
>> works well. Of course I have created contacts in the AVD before.
>> If I click on "accounts" in the options menu of the Contacts
>> application if causes a "force close" (doesn't look pretty mature to
>> me).
>> The sad thing is that I have an application on the market and receive
>> complains about "force close" errors when contacts are accessed but
>> I'm unable to reproduce it with AVD.
> You will need to use reflection (or intelligent class loading) and use
> the ContactsContracts provider when running on Android 2.0, allowing
> your existing Contacts code to be used on 1.5/1.6.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> |
> Android Development Wiki:
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