Just to reiterate what TreKing says: you *could* build your app using
just a ViewFlipper, but I think you're kicking against the platform if
you try to avoid multiple Activities, and you may wind up reinventing
a lot of Activity features -- especially as your app gets more complex
than what you started out with.

To me (coming from Qt S60 development where you have a main.cpp, and
classes such as QMainWindow or QWidget) the Activity/Service/Intent/
Content Provider framework feels like a natural fit for mobile

Mobile apps are more different from desktop or web apps than I
initially thought!


On Jan 18, 6:35 am, TreKing <treking...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm not a fan of handling the various life cycle events for different
> > activities.
> You better get used to this. It's a key aspect of Android.
> > I've not figured out yet if you absolutely must use different activities
> > for different views, or can you use a single activity and simply swap views
> > as needed?
> No, you don't HAVE to use different activities and as Sam mentions you can
> use a ViewFlipper. Personally, however, I would recommend using the
> ViewFlipper when you need a different way of looking at the same thing in
> the activity and not as a means of replacing multiple activities.
> > I ask this because it seems to me that at any point, the user may be in any
> > one of your activities.. and I hate the idea of having to implement the
> > pause/resume/create/start/destory methods for each and every activity.
> You don't have to implement EVERY SINGLE one of these, only the ones that
> make sense for you particular activity.
> > I am curious what developers do in this regard. Do they actually copy/paste
> > their code into each method for all their activities.. of course putting
> > activity specific stuff where appropriate?
> Personally, I don't copy and past any of those functions, I implement the
> ones I need when I need them.
> > Seems to me using a single activity as the main app lifecycle hook, and
> > simply swapping views would make it easier to manage life cycle events for
> > the app in one place.
> Not really. Unless you're doing something extremely trivial, I'm sure you
> will find that eventually managing the state of your one activity will get
> out of hand. If you do as you suggest and implement a single set of
> lifecycle methods you'll be doing a lot of checks in them all to determine
> what state you're in and what needs to be done in each. Saving and restoring
> your current state in particular will probably get way out of hand using
> this strategy.
> Perhaps I am lost on why it is necessary to have various activities..
> Multiple activities make it easier to break your app apart into logical,
> functional units where each one does ONE thing (it's "activity") and allows
> you to focus on doing that one thing. Trying to force all of your
> functionality into one activity will, I assure you, grow into an
> unmaintainable mess as you continue to add more functionality to your one
> activity.
> Also, using multiple activities plays right into the default back-button
> behavior. If you use one activity to manage multiple views you will either
> have implement this logic yourself (overriding the back key to undo your
> actions) which adds even more complexity to your massive be-all Activity or
> ignore this behavior completely and allow your app to exit without going
> back through the sequence of views (which will confuse your users who will
> expect to be going back to a previous view when hitting the back button).
> > my main concern being duplication of the life cycle handling events
> > depending on where a user is within your app.
> I would recommend you focus on building reusable components that work with
> the Android platform and not against it. There should be minimal duplication
> in the strictest sense as each of your Activities will theoretically be
> quite different and have different needs as far as which methods need to be
> implemented and what happens in them.
> My $0.02. Hope that helps.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 
> deviceshttp://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking
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