I like that document, but I'd add a caveat: don't go all gung-ho style
police. (I think that fits well with the overall tenor of the
document, but is worth being made explicit).

The point of style conventions is to make things easier, not provoke

There is, in fact, some benefit from a scope prefix.

There is, however, NEGATIVE benefit -- actual harm, from the Hungarian
Notation you find in Microsoft's code, which redundantly encodes the
PHYSICAL datatype in every usage, impeding maintenance, and often
leading to variables declared one way but named a different way.

Fields are worth noting, because they're generally declared far away
from the point of use. Some use "_". I myself use "m_"", and I
continue to do so with Android code, because it nicely separates my
variables first in the debugger!

I'm not worried about a one-time explanation cost if someone comes
along who's never seen the convention. Every serious programmer should
read lots of other people's code anyway, so generally people will come
across it pretty soon regardless.

On Feb 21, 11:04 pm, Sam Dutton <sam.dut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Android Code Style Guide explains the conventions used for field
> names:http://source.android.com/submit-patches/code-style-guide#field_names.
> Sam Dutton
> On Feb 22, 5:52 am, Christ <wutie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I saw many sample codes that each variable contains the 'm' prefix. I
> > don't know what this m means.
> > I have two-year experience in MFC. Each variable has 'm' prefix to
> > tell you that I'm the one variable of MFC component. (m stands for
> > MFC).
> > So...can anybody answer me this question?
> > Regards,
> > Christ

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