Mike dg wrote:
>> D) Recognize that sending 100 text messages per hour is going to be
>> expensive for many Android device users, and so having this confirmation
>> is good for Android as a whole, even if it means you cannot do whatever
>> it is you are trying to do.
> But then that leads towards a slippery slope. Why isn't 50 the limit?
> Why not 10?

A better solution might be user control over the limit via a system setting.

You're welcome to file a feature request for that over at
http://b.android.com, or poke at the code and submit a patch, or something.

My point was more that there's a rationale for having some sort of
limit. While in the US, unlimited text messaging plans are common, I get
the impression that is not the case globally. That's at least part of
the reason for the CALL_PHONE permission to place phone calls without
user interaction -- those could be used with fee-based services to steal
from users, or even just placing regular calls to rack up minutes.

The Android OS, as a whole, has a philosophy of defending users against
malware. Malware comes in many forms, and sending unlimited SMSes (and
racking up charges as a result) is one of them. Defending against
malware will have collateral damage to other application capabilities.
We can work to have more targeted anti-malware protections and minimize
such damage (e.g., user gets to pick the limit, with 100 being a system
default), and such a concept may get traction. And you are welcome to
remix Android to create one that gets rid of all such limits, but you
and your remix's users are then responsible for any malware that bites you.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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