On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> Isaac Wagner wrote:
>> After the 100 messages limit Android pops up a dialog saying something
>> about sending a large number of messages and asking the user if they
>> want to continue.  When they click OK or Cancel are there events
>> generated that I can get?
> I do not know for certain, as I don't send SMSes. Are you saying the
> sent event you are presently watching for does not occur, even if the
> user presses OK? BTW, I'm assuming this is from your PendingIntent that
> you use with sendTextMessage().
Yes, my PendingIntent is not fired reliably even after the user pushes
OK.  After some more experiments I have more info: On my 1.5 and 1.6
AVD's the PendingIntent is sent maybe 2 or 3 times after the user
pushes OK.  On my Android 2.1 AVD the PendingIntent is fired every
time.  So, my app works well on Android 2.1.  However, I don't want to
require them to have 2.1.  I've not yet tried it on 2.0.1.  I'll do
that later tonight.  So, it would seem to me to be a Android bug that
was fixed later.

>> I've been watching the SMS sent event and
>> then keying the next message off that event.  That works fine until
>> Android starts popping up the dialog, then the SMS events stop coming
>> and my application loses its state.
> Why does your application lose its state? Won't you have the same
> problem if there are telephony issues (e.g., out of signal area) that
> cause an SMS to be delayed in its delivery?
In this case I still get my PendingIntent back, it just comes back
delayed or with a failure code.  Still, it comes back.

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