Thanks, it's just shame they didn't talk to us at all about the
article yet they give the appearance they did by saying;

"But now smaller Android exclusive startups such as Andspot, SlideMe
and AndAppStore are getting into the fray. Why develop just an app
when you can build an app store, they say."

They also seem to have missed the bit about both AndAppStore and
SlideME have been around for over 18 months, so we're not really
getting into the fray now, we've been in the fray for as long as (if
not longer than) Market has.

Still, it's always good to see our name in print in a relatively
positive article :).


On Jun 13, 7:00 am, gosh <> wrote:
> Btw, I saw that you (via AndAppStore) got an honorable mention in the
> WIRED article re 'Independent App Stores' yesterday.
> Congrats.
> Steve
> On Jun 13, 1:54 am, Al Sutton <> wrote:
> > On Jun 12, 8:44 am, gosh <> wrote:
> > > >(our revenue is from ads in the client & customisation deals in case 
> > > >you're wondering).
> > > Then I'm assuming you must require the app publisher to make some
> > > small addition to their source code - which is no big deal to the
> > > coder.
> > Nope. The ads are only in our client, and the customisation deals are
> > with OEMs and hardware distributors for customer versions of our
> > systems. Developers don't have to modify anything.
> > > > If you also add in that Market does things that third party after-
> > > > market app stores can't (automatic updates, copy protection,
> > > > permissions-before-download installs), you can see that any company
> > > > getting into the Android app store space is competing on a uneven
> > > > playing field from day 1 on devices where they aren't integrated into
> > > > the firmware
> > > If you already require a mod to the source as per above, you could
> > > also add some phone-home 'occasionally' capability (your marketplace
> > > home) ... which could implement a 'better' copy protection mechanism
> > > than the Android Market currently has.
> > AndAppStore already offers a purchase checking facility where
> > developers can, if they want to, check against our database of
> > purchases to see if the user has purchased a copy of the app for the
> > specific device it's running on.
> > > Similarly, you could also use such phone-home code to implement a
> > > 'better' updates policy - e.g. I find the current update mechanism in
> > > Android Market a pain in the butt in that it tries to update apps 'too
> > > often'. E.g. you could let the 'phone user' pick a minimum update
> > > frequency which overrides those frenetic/frivolous updaters.
> > We're looking at adding a time selector in addition to our the on/off
> > switch we currently have in the AndAppStore client for background
> > update checking.
> > Al.

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