
I am sorry that I do not know whether this topic should appear here.

I checked out the whole android open source project, and found the
source code under /frameworks/base/services/java/BatteryService.java
as well as the other service classes such as AlarmManagerService,
While in the android.content.Context#getSystemService(String name),
the available names do not contains BATTERY_SERVICE.
I want to know the reason. anybody knows that?
I wonder if I want to know the information of the current battery
status, such as scale, level, status, health,... which are defined
in /
frameworks/base/services/java/BatteryService.java, how should I
collect these information?

And I noticed that in the android application Settings, there is an
BatteryInfo activity, which can collect these information, while the
activity invokes a class named android.os.ServiceManager, while in the
sdk 1.5r1, there is no such class. I pulled all the related class out
to my workspace, and made it compiled without error, and ran the
application, it can display the right information(I just use the
I wonder if I can just do it this way, I mean if I am developing a
commercial application, is it ok?

Thanks in advance, I am so appreciated for you anwser or just hints.
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