
Giorgio M. wrote:

i've a question about the storage of sms messages within the v14 jffs2 of Michael Tremarchi.

When I receive a message, where is it stored? is it stored into SIM card or phone/sdcard memory?
for now it works like that. If the phone is not in the suspend state, it have time to move to the TE, but if the phone it is in sustend state I copy from ME and show. So I don't have a complete support of message on the sim card. Basically I don't know, what is the correct strategy. I don't remove from the sim. Basically I copy to the TE and send a new message notification. I see look at the code that exist and NEW_SMS_ON_SIM message but I don't understand how it read the message from memory. Because It has a command for write and delete, maybe
I can delete the message from the memory when I copy to the phone?

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