
Thanks for the tips, will try them out! The reason why I want to
modify the kernel is to enable modules loading/unloading in Android
Developer Phone.

Is there any way to load/unload modules in the Android Developer
In emulator it can be done through the adb shell. But suppose I have a
module for Android, how can I <insmod> this module in the developer

Thanks In Advance,

On Feb 17, 10:18 am, Chew Esmero <chew.esm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> what I did to speed up development was, instead of building the source
> everytime (1.5 hrs in my pc), I'll just make another boot.img with my
> compiled kernel. boot.img contains the boot header, kernel image,
> ramdisk, and other stuff. To make the new boot.img, issue the
> "mkbootimg --cmdline 'no_console_suspend=1 console=null' --kernel
> <zImage> --ramdisk <ramdisk.img in the out/target/product/dream_open> -
> o boot.img" command. mkbootimg is located in out/host/linux-x86/bin.
> To flash boot.img to phone, "fastboot flash boot.img. Or you can
> overwrite the old boot.img with your new image so you can flash
> everything with "fastboot -w flashall".
> Hope this can help.
> On Feb 13, 6:11 pm, perumal316 <perumal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have downloaded the Android source and followed instructions 
> > fromhttp://source.android.com/toget the necessary images to flash the
> > Android Developer phone. But is it possible to just change the kernel
> > only.
> > For example, I have downloaded the kernel source and build it and the
> > output is the zImage. Now how to I flash this image into the developer
> > phone so that this new kernel can be used?
> >  Or must I follow the instructions fromhttp://source.android.com/to
> > obtain the necessary images to flash?
> > If that's the case how to I modify the kernel from there, I can't find
> > any kernel source after 'repo sync' as mentioned.
> > Thanks In Advance,
> > Perumal- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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