Can you post logcat output from the device.? 
Did you try reconnecting to the device? what is the ping status after*
#adb disconnect
  No such device

*Steps to connect your device to Host machine via Ethernet:*
              On Device: 
                     Step 1. Connect Ethernet cable and check if status 
leds are blinking.
                     Step 2. Launch Android Terminal.
                     Step 3. Issue these commands:
                                # ifconfig eth0 <IP-address> up
                                # setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
                                # stop adbd
                                # start adbd
              On Host:
                    # adb connect <IP-address of device>
               With this you device should be connected. and by using 
               # adb shell 
               you are having access to the Android device shell. 

On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2:42:26 PM UTC+5:30, NEO SUN wrote:
> I think,
> 1 you should use usb connect.  Your board don't need OTG function, it is 
> just a slave device.
> Please use usb cable.
> 2 If you want to use tcp connect, Please google it.
> it seems good.
> BTW: did you use uart console?Once i use uart console, i can not find 
> device with adb devices.
> Maybe you need to disable uart console to make a test.
> 2012/12/11 Manjeet Pawar < <javascript:>>
>> I have connected my board via ethernet port and have set an IP address . 
>> I am able to ping successfully on both host and board..I checked for adbd 
>> deamon on target ,initially it was not running , I started it by* *
>> *# adbd &*
>> Then I tried to connect it by giving following commands:
>> # adb start-server
>> # adb connect
>> device connected successfully
>> #adb devices
>> No devices found
>> or
>> #adb disconnect
>> No such device
>> *This is the error I am getting...I am confused if it is not connected 
>> then why it showd connected when I use "adb connect "  wheras adbd deamon 
>> runs on board and IP address are set successfully.*
>> Thanks
>> Manjeet
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 10:39 PM, NEO < 
>> <javascript:>>wrote:
>>> OTG? you need not to do this, just connect your board to your host pc.
>>> execute adb device, if your host pc has your device's adb drvier, adb 
>>> will find your device.
>>> then run cts test.  
>>> 2012/12/11 Manjeet Pawar < <javascript:>>
>>>> I can use USB cable,bcoz I dont have OTG support on my board...only 
>>>> things that i can use as a connection is "ethernet port"...but when i 
>>>> followed the doc "
>>>>"...i didn't 
>>>> have some binaries like setprop or su..I downloaded them,but they didn't 
>>>> run properly..
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 9:08 PM, NEO < 
>>>> <javascript:>>wrote:
>>>>> As you know, you need to fix the connection problem.
>>>>> Why don't you use usb cable?
>>>>> 2012/12/11 Manjeet Pawar < <javascript:>>
>>>>>> *Hi All,*
>>>>>> *I want to run CTS(compatibility Test Suite) from commandline. But I 
>>>>>> am not able to connect my board thought ethernet port via 'adb'. So 
>>>>>> connection between hostpc and my board(ARM board) is a measure issue 
>>>>>> here...I have flashed android in my board still I am not able to connect 
>>>>>> it 
>>>>>> to the pc. Now I have to run CTS.How can I run CTS without adb 
>>>>>> connection..?????? Because if there is no device connected to my pc,I 
>>>>>> can't 
>>>>>> start CTS on my host machine,so device must be connected..*
>>>>>> *Has any one ever run CTS like this..????*
>>>>>> *I have copied to complete source of Android CTS in to pandrive 
>>>>>> which is accessible on board.But that seems to be impossible to run on 
>>>>>> board, As 'startcts' used java to run itself, But we have dalvikVM on 
>>>>>> android ,no jvm is can I handle this..Please comments..*
>>>>>> *Thanks & Regards*
>>>>>> *Manjeet Pawar* 
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> Best regards !
> Mingting Sun


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