qian <guoqian231 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Have you solve this problem? I have the same question.
> The error log in dmesg like below:
> <6>[   32.680792] PVR_K:(Error): BridgedDispatchKM: Driver initialisation not
completed yet. [3809, drivers/gpu/pvr/bridged_pvr_bridge.c]
> my kernel version is 3-0-ics-mr1.
> On Thursday, June 7, 2012 11:55:23 AM UTC+8, Chirag Shah wrote:I have already
downloaded and extracted it in my android source code
> folder.
> But my question is, why kernel is giving errors while these drivers
> are Android user space drivers and those might be required to build my
> android source code and not the kernel. But here, i am getting errors
> in booting up the kernel. It does not even loading my android FS.


I am using kernel 3.0.31 and observing the same issue.

The log of the rror is:
omaplfb OMAPLFBRegisterPVRDriver: Could not create ion client
PVR_K:(Error): SysFinalise: Failed to register PVR driver with omaplfb [0, ]
PVR_K:(Error): PVRSRVFinaliseSystem: SysFinalise failed (4) [0, ]
PVR_K:(Error): BridgedDispatchKM: Initialisation failed.  Driver unusable. [0, ]

Then, the last error "BridgedDispatchKM: Initialisation failed" is repeated on
console so kernel can not boot properly.

Can you please suggest me how to approach to solve this error.


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