Hi all,

I have a issue regarding memory .

I ran a program on my board that continuously do malloc and write some data
at that memory location and put this code in while loop. it ran for some
time untill it consume the whole of the memory and then given a OOM. where
we get information about the memory consumed and free memory.

But when i adds up the userspace memory and kernel memory which gives total
used memory and I know the total free memory available(cat
/proc/meminfo)...But I get the free memory available much lesse than the
expected value.

I am confused where is the rest of memory .

I adds user space memory=active anon+ inactive anon+ active file + inactive

and kernel memory usage is =slab reclaimable and slab unreclaimable +
kernel stack+page tables

this give the total memory used. But when I subtract this total used memory
from the total available memory , a large chunk should be free, but
practically after getting OOM I am leaving with a small memory

ANY IDEA, who consumed the rest of the memory.


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