> Brian,
> You mentioned on Oct 21 that Google has done some native x86 port of
> Android. Do you know when the code related to the native x86 port will
> be released to the Android Open Source Project? We are interested in
> getting Android to run on various x86-based devices and are willing to
> contiribute toward the native x86 port effort. But it will be better
> to base it on top of the native x86 port that Google has done.

The engineer responsible for this project has been out of the office for
a couple weeks and is travelling this week.  He's working with our team 
to get his patches into the open source tree, but I think we're still a 
couple weeks away from completion there.  We know people are excited
about building android for x86 targets and will try to get this code
cleaned up and submitted soon.


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