Ignore /dev/pmem  error, although not sure about /sys/* errors.


Rupesh Gujare

Sameh M. Shaker wrote:
> Ok, I've got dropbear running now, and here are my findings, I'll only
> paste the lines that seems to have errors from logcat output....
> D/AndroidRuntime(  684): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> .
> .
> .
> E/MemoryHeapBase(  685): error opening /dev/pmem: No such file or
> directory
> I/SurfaceFlinger(  685): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run.
> Initializing graphics H/W...
> E/SurfaceFlinger(  685): Couldn't open /sys/android_power/
> wait_for_fb_sleep or /sys/android_power/wait_for_fb_wake
> E/GLLogger(  685): couldn't load <libhgl.so> library (Cannot find
> library)
> .
> .
> E/GLLogger(  685): couldn't load <libhgl.so> library (Cannot find
> library)
> I/SystemServer(  685): Starting Power Manager.
> I/SystemServer(  685): Starting Activity Manager.
> E/BatteryStats(  685): Error writing battery statistics
> E/BatteryStats(  685): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/
> batterystats.bin
> .
> .
> I/Installer(  685): connecting...
> I/Installer(  685): disconnecting...
> E/Installer(  685): connection failed
> .
> .
> D/PackageManager(  685): Scanning app dir /system/framework
> W/PackageParser(  685): Bad element under <manifest>: eat-comment
> .
> .
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
> com.android.providers.contacts
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cp in package
> com.android.providers.contacts
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
> com.android.development
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in
> package com.android.development
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in
> package com.android.development
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.providers.gmail.permission.WRITE_GMAIL in package
> com.android.settings
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.providers.gmail.permission.READ_GMAIL in package
> com.android.settings
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
> com.android.settings
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.lh2 in package
> com.android.camera
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.youtube in
> package com.android.camera
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in
> package com.android.camera
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
> com.android.providers.calendar
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package
> com.android.providers.calendar
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unknown permission
> com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package
> com.android.browser
> W/PackageManager(  685): Unable to write package manager settings,
> current changes will be lost at reboot
> W/PackageManager(  685): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/system/
> packages.xml
> .
> .
> E/Database(  685): sqlite3_open_v2("/data/system/syncmanager.db",
> &handle, 6, NULL) failed
> E/SQLiteOpenHelper(  685): Couldn't open syncmanager.db for writing
> (will try read-only):
> E/SQLiteOpenHelper(  685): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException:
> unable to open database file
> .
> .
> E/Database(  685): sqlite3_open_v2("/data/system/syncmanager.db",
> &handle, 1, NULL) failed
> E/ContentService(  685): Can't create SyncManager
> E/ContentService(  685): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException:
> unable to open database file
> .
> .
> W/ActivityManager(  685): Unable to start service Intent
> { action=android.accounts.IAccountsService comp=
> {com.google.android.googleapps/
> com.google.android.googleapps.GoogleLoginService} }: not found
> W/AccountMonitor(  685): Couldn't connect to the accounts service
> (Missing service?)
> I/ActivityThread(  685): Publishing provider sync:
> android.content.SyncProvider
> I/SystemServer(  685): Starting Battery Service.
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/ac/
> online'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/usb/
> online'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/present'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/capacity'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/batt_vol'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/batt_temp'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/status'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/health'
> E/BatteryService(  685): Could not open '/sys/class/power_supply/
> battery/technology'
> .
> .
> W/dalvikvm(  685): threadid=19: thread exiting with uncaught exception
> (group=0x40010e28)
> E/AndroidRuntime(  685): Uncaught handler: thread ActivityManager
> exiting due to uncaught exception
> E/AndroidRuntime(  685): *** EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS.  System will
> crash.
> E/AndroidRuntime(  685): java.lang.IllegalStateException: already
> initialized
> .
> .
> E/AndroidRuntime(  685): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service
> I/Process (  685): Sending signal. PID: 685 SIG: 9
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'activity.broadcasts' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'meminfo' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'cpuinfo' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'SurfaceFlinger' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'activity.providers' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'activity.services' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'content' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'activity' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'batteryinfo' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'telephony.registry' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'package' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'activity.senders' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'power' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'permission' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'battery' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'sensor' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'alarm' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'window' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'bluetooth' died
> I/ServiceManager(  594): service 'statusbar' died
> I/Zygote  (  684): Exit zygote because system server (685) has
> terminated
> And then it starts all over again -with different PIDs of course- ....
> Quite a bunch of problems :) , I'll try to fix them one by one,
> however, I'm not sure about the /dev/pmem and /sys/* errors, did I
> miss anything during kernel build ??
> Any ideas would be great...
> On Dec 18, 10:40 am, "Sameh M. Shaker" <samehshaker552...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Rupesh,
>> Thanks for the quick response, I'll do as you suggested and will post
>> the results back...
>> On Dec 18, 10:31 am, Rupesh Gujare <rupesh.guj...@embinux.com> wrote:
>>> Samesh,
>>>    Although you have added 256 MB swap, check how much is being actually
>>> used, and how much is free?
>>> You will need telnet or dropbear server running (which you will have to
>>> integrate with Android RFS), so that you can log in and run $logcat.
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Rupesh Gujarehttp://embinux.com
>>> Sameh M. Shaker wrote:
>>>> I've added 256MB of swap, and it shows fine in /proc/meminfo ...
>>>> One thing, how should I run logcat, I mean after the service zygote
>>>> starts, there's no shell access anymore, indeed it would help, how to
>>>> to get to it ??
>>>> On Dec 18, 9:55 am, Rupesh Gujare <rupesh.guj...@embinux.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>    Firstly 64MB RAM is not quiet sufficient to run Android,(Android
>>>>> recommends 128MB RAM) I am not sure after adding swap, how much it might
>>>>> help.(You can check swap usage by - "$cat /proc/meminfo")  You can check
>>>>> whats happening inside Android by running "$logcat" command. That will
>>>>> give you a better idea.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Rupesh Gujarehttp://embinux.com
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Sameh M. Shaker wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>> I've spent the past 3 days porting Android to the Palm Treo 680...
>>>>>> Managed to get a running kernel, that can mount partitions on the SD
>>>>>> Card, built the latest source dump, and since the device only had 64MB
>>>>>> Ram, I managed to enable a swap partition on the SD Card and have it
>>>>>> enabled by init.rc...
>>>>>> I've also combined /system with /data and the files in ramdisk.img
>>>>>> into one large ext3 filesystem, that is the kernel takes as its root,
>>>>>> and made all needed changes in init.rc to accommodate this change.
>>>>>> Kernel booted, root mounted, I can see the text "A N D R O I D" and it
>>>>>> also shows the Android splash screen, but that's all...
>>>>>> The Android splash logo keeps blinking, and then it disappears and re-
>>>>>> appears again, blinking, and so on in an infinite loop...
>>>>>> I've also noticed that the characters on the screen are very very
>>>>>> small, esp with the "A N D R O I D" text, comparing to what I've seen
>>>>>> on the emulator in the SDK..
>>>>>> Also the splash screen looks a bit odd, unlike the emulator, I can see
>>>>>> two Androids, one that blinks and the other doesn't...
>>>>>> What could possibly be going wrong? kindly check these links for
>>>>>> images of what I get on the screen
>>>>>> http://smshaker.wordpress.com/?attachment_id=8
>>>>>> http://smshaker.wordpress.com/?attachment_id=9
> >

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