Thank you for all the help.  I must admit I had the entirely wrong
idea of how to create Home, Back and Menu key presses.

My original plan was to create an Activity that would send Home, Back
and Menu keypresses to Android.  I originally posted on "Android
Developers" and was refered here.  I have since discovered that having
an Activity create Home, Back and Menu keypresses is just bad design.
These events should come from Android not an Activity.

I have since grabbed the Android source and have begun modifying the
StatusBarView to send these keypresses (Thank you Yi).

The last thing I have not figured out yet is how to run my modified
version of Android on an emulator.  This may not be the correct group
to post this in but could someone point me to some information on
setting up my custom built Android version in an emulator?

Thanks again for all the help.

On Nov 9, 4:42 pm, GT <> wrote:
> Is there a way to have softwareHome,MenuandBackkeys?
> I am developing apps for an Android device that does not have any
> hardware keys except for a power button and I have been running into
> hurdles left and right.  Not having a keyboard is not a big problem
> but my lack of hardwareHome,Menu, andBackkeys is killing me.
> By sending a "Go tohomescreen" intent I can simulate theHomekey
> but I have yet to find a way to have softwareBackandMenubuttons.
> Worse yet, even if I did get my keys working I don't see how to make
> them always available to the user.  There doesn't seem to be a way to
> keep them accessable from the status bar and I haven't found a way of
> creating a floatingmenuthat always stays on top of all other
> activities.
> I might be able to bring up mymenuusing the power button but I'm
> not
> sure it will work.  Does anyone have any insight into this?


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