Hi Henrik,
Well, I'm getting pretty close.  The ppp connections starts and stops
gracefully.  The radio log looks pretty clean, but I just cannot get
the browser to start.  It often pops up a window saying unable to find
web page, or "Data connectivity problem".   Here is the end of the log
when I tried starting the browser.  Any suggestions on where to
Thanks Mike

D/dalvikvm(  977): GC freed 3969 objects / 288312 bytes in 45ms
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
I/ActivityManager(  846): Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for
service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=1712 uid=10001
gids={3003, 1015}
I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
scanline__00000077:03545404_00000A04_00000000 [ 29 ipp] (51 ins) at
[0x213368:0x213434] in 244140 ns
D/dalvikvm( 1712): Trying to load lib /system/lib/libjni_latinime.so
D/dalvikvm( 1712): Added shared lib /system/lib/libjni_latinime.so
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb3a58 Keyguard
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb1370
StatusBar paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d48a50
StatusBarExpanded paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d13618
TrackingView paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49bb7b28
com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
D/AlarmManagerService(  846): Kernel timezone updated to 300 minutes
west of GMT
D/SystemClock(  896): Setting time of day to sec=1274801005
I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
D/dalvikvm( 1001): GC freed 2137 objects / 141664 bytes in 129ms
D/AlarmManagerService(  846): Kernel timezone updated to 300 minutes
west of GMT
D/SystemClock(  896): Setting time of day to sec=1274801005
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb3a58 Keyguard
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb1370
StatusBar paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d48a50
StatusBarExpanded paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d13618
TrackingView paused=false}
I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49bb7b28
com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
I/ActivityManager(  846): Starting activity: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000
cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }
I/ActivityManager(  846): Start proc com.android.browser for activity
com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: pid=1733 uid=10010 gids={3003}
D/installd(  779): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/system/app/Browser.apk' ---
D/dalvikvm( 1747): DexOpt: load 98ms, verify 462ms, opt 7ms
D/installd(  779): DexInv: --- END '/system/app/Browser.apk' (success)
I/ActivityThread( 1733): Publishing provider browser:
E/ActivityThread( 1733): Failed to find provider info for
D/        ( 1733): unable to unlink '/data/data/com.android.browser/
shared_prefs/com.android.browser_preferences.xml.bak': No such file or
directory (errno=2)
W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
scanline__00000077:03515104_00000000_00000000 [ 27 ipp] (41 ins) at
[0x287a10:0x287ab4] in 213623 ns
I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
scanline__00000077:03515104_00001001_00000000 [ 64 ipp] (84 ins) at
[0x287b18:0x287c68] in 244140 ns
D/dalvikvm( 1733): GC freed 3113 objects / 274848 bytes in 101ms
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 15034 objects / 713720 bytes in 72ms
D/dalvikvm(  910): GC freed 1650 objects / 85608 bytes in 47ms
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 18004 objects / 854480 bytes in 65ms
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 16651 objects / 789576 bytes in 64ms
E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
{ act=android.accounts.IAccountsService
cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
E/LockPatternKeyguardView(  846): Failed to bind to GLS while checking
for account
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 634 objects / 26968 bytes in 51ms
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
I/ActivityManager(  846): Displayed activity
com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: 63377 ms (total 63377 ms)
W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
W/InputManagerService(  846): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 15385 objects / 731184 bytes in 63ms
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 23556 objects / 1114880 bytes in 71ms
E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
{ act=android.accounts.IAccountsService
cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
E/LockPatternKeyguardView(  846): Failed to bind to GLS while checking
for account
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 4595 objects / 428736 bytes in 67ms
E/browser ( 1733): onReceivedError -7 
The server failed to communicate. Try again later.
E/OpenSSLSocketImpl( 1733): Unknown error 5 during connect
E/Gears-J ( 1733): Connection IO exception
E/Gears-J ( 1733): java.io.IOException: SSL handshake failure: I/O
error during system call, Unknown error: 0
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1060)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/
D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
E/ActivityThread(  896): Failed to find provider info for
W/Checkin (  896): Can't update stat PHONE_RADIO_RESETS:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL 
I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 21575 objects / 1007240 bytes in 71ms

On May 21, 2:52 am, Uhrenfeldt Henrik <henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.com>
> Hi Mike,
> Hehe... I had the same feeling.
> My DEACTIVATE does not work 100% smooth, but it works. I basically set 
> AT+CGACT=0,1 and wait for PPPD to die from natural causes. As far as I 
> remember, it does in fact call ip-down. I do not attempt to stop the service 
> manually (via init.svc.pppd_gprs), neither do I care about the untracked pid 
> (which I think I get as well).
> Regarding breaking out ofdatamode, my modem automatically terminates the 
> PPPconnectionwhen it receives the AT+CGACT=0,1, so I am not doing anything 
> like the '+++'...
> One thing though - I cannot seem to get the exit code from pppd properly, but 
> at some point I gave up and decided I could live without it. Since I was able 
> to setup thedataconnectionseveral times in a row, I concluded it was good 
> enough :-)
> - Henrik
> -----Original Message-----
> From: M&M stich [mailto:mstic...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 20. maj 2010 22:26
> To: Uhrenfeldt Henrik
> Cc: android-porting
> Subject: Re:Dataconnectionvia cell modem (GPRS)
> Hi Henrik!
> @#$%^^!!  This is driving me nuts.
> Ok, I lengthened the timeout, takes around 14 Sec for me.  I also see the 
> DEACTIVATE due to APN changed.  But the deactivate does not work.
> Looks like ip-down does not get called. If I manually do a stop on the 
> service, it does not get called. If I kill pid from the console, then it does 
> get called.  I'm relying on it to set the same property I use to check 
> startup to "no" instead of "yes".  I suppose I could use the 
> init.svc.pppd_gprs property instead, but I thought ip-down should get called. 
>   By the way, the shell that ran ip-up does not go away after it runs.  When 
> I stop pppd_gprs, I get an "untracked pid exited" from it.
> BUT,  the chat disconnect script is not running correctly either, it seems. 
> It needs to do the '+++' to break out ofdatamode.  The modem requires 1 sec 
> before and 1 sec after of quiet time for this to work.  I set verbose on the 
> chat command, but it did not show me anything.  I may need to figure out how 
> to trace it.
> Thanks
> Mike
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Uhrenfeldt Henrik 
> <henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.com> wrote:
>         Hi Mike!
>         I bet 2 seconds is not near enough.. I have a timeout of 15 seconds 
> to wait for the PPP to get up properly - in average it takes around 7-8 
> seconds. Then probably what goes wrong next is the fact that the needed 
> properties were set in the last run, so your SETUP_DATA_CALL finishes 
> quickly, but meanwhile you may have confused the modem with another 
>         You have to get the first attempt to work and be sure that there are 
> no race conditions with setting/reading properties. For example - if you set 
> your custom property to something like "initing" in the beginning of the pppd 
> service and wait for it to become "up", the next time you run 
> SETUP_DATA_CALL, it will be "up" until the service is really running and 
> setting it to "initing" - unless you do some kludgy waiting in 
> SETUP_DATA_CALL before initially checking state of your property. This had me 
> tweaking for some time.
>         To get all this running properly, I also had to implement 
> DEACTIVATE_DATA_CALL in which I send an "AT+CGACT=0,1" and then I wait for 
> pppd service to exit (yet another property to check for). In our setup, 
> Android always sets up theconnectiontwice (due to some weirdness with a list 
> of APNs changing in higher layers), so we need to have a reliable shutdown as 
> well - sigh..
>         Regarding your timeout on the AT channel there is not much to say 
> else than it seems the modem is somehow in a state where it won't answer. 
> This is of course critical for the RIL and it has no choice other than 
> attempting to restart. Hopefully it is caused by PDP context confusion or 
> some other invalid chain of commands caused by thedatasetup stuff.
>         - Henrik
>         ---
>         Henrik Uhrenfeldt
>         Chief Software Engineer
>         Ixonos Denmark ApS
>         Niels Jernes Vej 10,
>         DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark
>         mobile +45 4030 2607
>         email: henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.com
>        http://www.ixonos.com
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From: M&M stich [mailto:mstic...@gmail.com]
>         Sent: 20. maj 2010 17:08
>         To: Uhrenfeldt Henrik
>         Cc: android-porting
>         Subject: Re:Dataconnectionvia cell modem (GPRS)
>         Hi Henrik,
>         ip-up sets a custom property last (only does some logging after that) 
> that triggers the ril to send a response.  The ril waits 2 sec for the 
> property, then times out and returns an error.  Android then tries again 
> shortly thereafter, and the ril does not have to wait at all, everything is 
> setup.
>         Now,when I try and start the browser, it somehow causes a timeout on 
> the signal strength request and cause the radio to crash.  This is a new 
> behavior.  Here is the end of the radio log, showing thedatacall being set up 
> as described.  PDPconnection seems to have the dns correctly.  Also shows the 
> at channel timeout somehow caused by the browser trying to start.  It does 
> restart successfully eventually.
>         Thanks   Mike
>         ---------------------------------------------------
>         :::::
>         D/GSM     (  955): SIMRecords: record load complete
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmSimCard] Broadcasting intent 
>         D/GSM     (  955): Get PreferredAPN
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] ***trySetupData due to 
> simLoaded
>         D/GSM     (  955): [DSAC DEB] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
>         I/GSM     (  955): Preferred APN:310410:310410:ATT, 1, 310410, 
> wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *
>         I/GSM     (  955): Waiting APN set to preferred APN
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] Create from allApns : 
> [ATT, 1, 310410, wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *]
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] Setup watingApns : 
> [ATT, 1, 310410, wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *]
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] DataConnection.getState()
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] Connecting to carrier: 'ATT' APN: 
> 'wap.cingular' proxy: 'null' port: 'null
>         D/RILJ    (  955): [0057]> SETUP_DATA_CALL wap.cingular
>         D/RIL     (  863): onRequest: SETUP_DATA_CALL
>         D/RIL     (  863): requestingdataconnectionto APN 'wap.cingular'
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- Initial running status :  len : 2  Status: no
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- Starting service pppd_gprs -----
>         D/RIL     (  863): --- Initial Response is : 1 ; gprs ; 
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- starting wait for property -----, len : 2  
> Status: no
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] setState: INITING
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- PPPD failed to start:  status = no , length 
> = 2 , retry = 0
>         D/RILJ    (  955): [0057]< SETUP_DATA_CALL error: 
> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] DataConnection.handleMessage()
>         E/GSM     (  955): PDP Context Init failed 
> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE
>         D/RILJ    (  955): [0058]> LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE
>         D/RIL     (  863): onRequest: LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE
>         D/RILJ    (  955): [0058]< LAST_DATA_CALL_FAIL_CAUSE error: 
> com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] DataConnection.handleMessage()
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] Notify PDP fail at 1274367573216 
> due to UnknownDataError
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] PDP setup failed 
> UnknownDataError
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] setState: FAILED
>         D/GSM     (  955): PDP activate failed. Scheduling next attempt for 5s
>         D/GSM     (  955): NOT Posting GPRS Unavailable notification -- 
> likely transient error
>         D/GSM     (  955): GPRS reconnect alarm. Previous state was FAILED
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] Clean upconnectiondue 
> to simLoaded
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] setState: DISCONNECTING
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] DataConnection.clearSettings()
>         D/GSM     (  955): [DataConnection] Stop poll NetStat
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] setState: IDLE
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] ***trySetupData due to 
> (unspecified)
>         D/GSM     (  955): [DSAC DEB] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false
>         I/GSM     (  955): Preferred APN:310410:310410:ATT, 1, 310410, 
> wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *
>         I/GSM     (  955): Waiting APN set to preferred APN
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] Create from allApns : 
> [ATT, 1, 310410, wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *]
>         D/GSM     (  955): [GsmDataConnectionTracker] Setup watingApns : 
> [ATT, 1, 310410, wap.cingular, null, null, null, null, null, *]
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] DataConnection.getState()
>         D/GSM     (  955): [PdpConnection] Connecting to carrier: 'ATT' APN: 
> 'wap.cingular' proxy: 'null' port: 'null
>         D/RILJ    (  955): [0059]> SETUP_DATA_CALL wap.cingular
>         D/RIL     (  863): onRequest: SETUP_DATA_CALL
>         D/RIL     (  863): requestingdataconnectionto APN 'wap.cingular'
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- Initial running status :  len : 3  Status: 
> yes
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- Starting service pppd_gprs -----
>         D/RIL     (  863): --- Initial Response is : 1 ; gprs ; 
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- starting wait for property -----, len : 3  
> Status: yes
>         D/RIL     (  863):  --- PPPD started successfully; status : yes  
> Lengthe: 3,  Retry count : 200
>         D/RIL     (  863):  ---- Local IP read as :  length : 
> 13 -----
>         D/RIL
> ...
> read more »

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