
This could also be a DNS problem. If the DNS is not configured in the
Android property system the browser wont work.
Please run "getprop" in the console and post the result here. You
should see some DNS servers configured.

Best regards,

On May 28, 11:20 am, Uhrenfeldt Henrik <henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.com>
> Hi Mike,
> Am I right in assuming that you cannot use the browser no matter how you 
> supply internet connectivity for Android? Even if it is USB Ethernet, manual 
> PPP, etc.?
> Normally Android wants to do a Google login (probably to integrate nicely 
> with all the Google services), but in the source build, vital Google 
> closed-source components are missing for this to happen - and as you can see 
> in the log, it is not possible to complete the Google login:
> { cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
> I think this is the reason browser dies on you... It may be a long shot, but 
> I have the following property set in my init.rc:
>     setprop ro.config.nocheckin yes
> If I remember correctly, the property above disables the login behavior.
> ---
> Henrik Uhrenfeldt
> Chief Software Engineer
> Ixonos Denmark ApS
> Niels Jernes Vej 10,
> DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark
> mobile +45 4030 2607
> email: henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.comhttp://www.ixonos.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ms12 [mailto:mstic...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 25. maj 2010 17:40
> To: android-porting
> Cc: Uhrenfeldt Henrik; Robert Greenwalt
> Subject: Re: Data connection via cell modem (GPRS)
> Hi Henrik,
> Well, I'm getting pretty close.  The ppp connections starts and stops
> gracefully.  The radio log looks pretty clean, but I just cannot get
> the browser to start.  It often pops up a window saying unable to find
> web page, or "Data connectivity problem".   Here is the end of the log
> when I tried starting the browser.  Any suggestions on where to
> look?
> Thanks Mike
> D/dalvikvm(  977): GC freed 3969 objects / 288312 bytes in 45ms
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for
> service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=1712 uid=10001
> gids={3003, 1015}
> I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
> scanline__00000077:03545404_00000A04_00000000 [ 29 ipp] (51 ins) at
> [0x213368:0x213434] in 244140 ns
> D/dalvikvm( 1712): Trying to load lib /system/lib/libjni_latinime.so
> 0x49ba6db8
> D/dalvikvm( 1712): Added shared lib /system/lib/libjni_latinime.so
> 0x49ba6db8
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb3a58 Keyguard
> paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb1370
> StatusBar paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d48a50
> StatusBarExpanded paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d13618
> TrackingView paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49bb7b28
> com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
> D/AlarmManagerService(  846): Kernel timezone updated to 300 minutes
> west of GMT
> D/SystemClock(  896): Setting time of day to sec=1274801005
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
> com.android.calendar/.AlertService
> D/dalvikvm( 1001): GC freed 2137 objects / 141664 bytes in 129ms
> D/AlarmManagerService(  846): Kernel timezone updated to 300 minutes
> west of GMT
> D/SystemClock(  896): Setting time of day to sec=1274801005
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb3a58 Keyguard
> paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49cb1370
> StatusBar paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d48a50
> StatusBarExpanded paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49d13618
> TrackingView paused=false}
> I/WindowManager(  846): Not visible!
> I/WindowManager(  846): Checking dispatch to: Window{49bb7b28
> com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
> com.android.calendar/.AlertService
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Starting activity: Intent
> { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
> cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000
> cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Start proc com.android.browser for activity
> com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: pid=1733 uid=10010 gids={3003}
> D/installd(  779): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/system/app/Browser.apk' ---
> D/dalvikvm( 1747): DexOpt: load 98ms, verify 462ms, opt 7ms
> D/installd(  779): DexInv: --- END '/system/app/Browser.apk' (success)
> ---
> I/ActivityThread( 1733): Publishing provider browser:
> com.android.browser.BrowserProvider
> E/ActivityThread( 1733): Failed to find provider info for
> com.google.settings
> D/        ( 1733): unable to unlink '/data/data/com.android.browser/
> shared_prefs/com.android.browser_preferences.xml.bak': No such file or
> directory (errno=2)
> W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
> { cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
> I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
> scanline__00000077:03515104_00000000_00000000 [ 27 ipp] (41 ins) at
> [0x287a10:0x287ab4] in 213623 ns
> I/ARMAssembler(  846): generated
> scanline__00000077:03515104_00001001_00000000 [ 64 ipp] (84 ins) at
> [0x287b18:0x287c68] in 244140 ns
> D/dalvikvm( 1733): GC freed 3113 objects / 274848 bytes in 101ms
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 15034 objects / 713720 bytes in 72ms
> D/dalvikvm(  910): GC freed 1650 objects / 85608 bytes in 47ms
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 18004 objects / 854480 bytes in 65ms
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 16651 objects / 789576 bytes in 64ms
> E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
> { act=android.accounts.IAccountsService
> cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
> E/LockPatternKeyguardView(  846): Failed to bind to GLS while checking
> for account
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 634 objects / 26968 bytes in 51ms
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Displayed activity
> com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity: 63377 ms (total 63377 ms)
> W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): No keyboard for id 0
> W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/
> qwerty.kcm.bin
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> W/InputManagerService(  846): Window already focused, ignoring focus
> gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
> $pr...@49bd37c8
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 15385 objects / 731184 bytes in 63ms
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 23556 objects / 1114880 bytes in 71ms
> E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> W/ActivityManager(  846): Unable to start service Intent
> { act=android.accounts.IAccountsService
> cmp=com.google.android.googleapps/.GoogleLoginService }: not found
> E/LockPatternKeyguardView(  846): Failed to bind to GLS while checking
> for account
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 4595 objects / 428736 bytes in 67ms
> E/browser ( 1733): onReceivedError 
> -7http://www.google.com/m?client=ms-android-google
> The server failed to communicate. Try again later.
> E/OpenSSLSocketImpl( 1733): Unknown error 5 during connect
> E/Gears-J ( 1733): Connection IO exception
> E/Gears-J ( 1733): java.io.IOException: SSL handshake failure: I/O
> error during system call, Unknown error: 0
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketImpl.nativeconnect(Native
> Method)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(OpenSSLSocketImpl.java:
> 305)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier.verify(AbstractVerifier.java:
> 92)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.connectSocket(SSLSocketFactory.java:
> 321)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(DefaultClientConnectionOperator.java:
> 129)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPoolEntry.open(AbstractPoolEntry.java:
> 164)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractPooledConnAdapter.open(AbstractPooledConnAdapter.java:
> 119)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:
> 348)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:
> 555)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:
> 487)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(AbstractHttpClient.java:
> 465)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at
> android.webkit.gears.ApacheHttpRequestAndroid
> $Connection.run(ApacheHttpRequestAndroid.java:180)
> E/Gears-J ( 1733):      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1060)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): wakeWhenReadyLocked(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): handleWakeWhenReady(82)
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> E/power   (  846): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0
> W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): No keyboard for id 0
> W/KeyCharacterMap(  846): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/
> qwerty.kcm.bin
> D/KeyguardViewMediator(  846): pokeWakelock(5000)
> E/ActivityThread(  896): Failed to find provider info for
> android.server.checkin
> W/Checkin (  896): Can't update stat PHONE_RADIO_RESETS:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL 
> content://android.server.checkin/stats
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
> com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiverService
> I/ActivityManager(  846): Stopping service:
> com.android.mms/.transaction.SmsReceiverService
> D/dalvikvm(  846): GC freed 21575 objects / 1007240 bytes in 71ms
> On May 21, 2:52 am, Uhrenfeldt Henrik <henrik.uhrenfe...@ixonos.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> > Hehe... I had the same feeling.
> > My DEACTIVATE does not work 100% smooth, but it works. I
> ...
> read more »

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