I sent a preliminary message to the OE list, and it didn't seem to be very good feedback. From what I saw, it didn't sound like anyone on the OE side of things was that interested in having a GSoC project... Perhaps because there aren't that many 'googly' type of projects that OE needs done.

Should I just make a new page on the wiki?

Jacob Thebault-Spieker
Cell: (207) 717-5114

Koen Kooi wrote:
Jake Thebault-Spieker schreef:
| I've been working on coming up with ideas that Angstrom could use for it's
| Google Summer of Code application. These are the ideas I came up with,
| of which were suggested by some people in the community(I think mickeyl,
| possibly others as well).
| The ideas are:
| First time install wizard/config wizard:
|         -Walks through initial configuration/includes explanations
|         -More Timezones
|         -Pretty-fied to me more user friendly
| GUI package manager
|         -One that functions(doesn't crash when trying to install more than
| one package)
|         -Maybe w/ opkg
| GUI installation tool(from NAND?)
|         -For ease of install
|         -Is this possible?
| GUI network config(smart)
|         -Only configures interfaces it detects, non-generic
|         -Easy for beginners, so as not to get confused
| Any feedback would be appreciated. I don't know if this is functionality
| Angstrom is looking for, but it's what I came up with.

Thanks for the ideas, could you add them to the wiki?

Now onto the orginazational side of things:

Which organizations are going to apply for GSoC? Openmoko, OE, Angstrom
come to mind. And who of those organizations will be the GSoC dude? And
who will mentor the students?



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