Jacob Thebault-Spieker wrote:
> So, if I understand correctly, HAL could be used to integrate with 
> D-Bus? Or are the two things exclusive?

No, D-Bus is the signalling technology, providing a way to send signals,
broadcasts etc. between applications.

HAL is a Hardware Abstraction Layer which tries to understand hardware,
checks for new changes and sends notifications over D-Bus.

This is the idea of HAL enabled system:

HAL is a worker, D-Bus is a messenger, user space is a commander, who is
talking only with the messenger, it never talks with the worker
directly, it never touches the hardware directly.

> If it's exclusive, why would we choose one or the other? It seems to 
> me(from my very cursory understanding) is that HAL is a more complete 
> solution, and further implemented in the desktop/laptop world. Since 
> that's the case, HAL seems like it'd be easier to port to a palmtop device.

HAL needs D-Bus, D-Bus is independent on HAL.

D-Bus needs no porting. D-Bus is mandatory for many programs in the OE
repository (e. g. gnumeric, pidgin).

HAL needs additional code to understand palmtop devices. HAL may need
special configuration, code changes or mini-replacement to remove things
which are not needed for concrete palmtop.

HAL even needs very carefully created specification of the interface to
make palmtop device handling independent on a concrete hardware as much
as possible.

> Is freesmartphone.org mentoring for GSoC? If so, perhaps that'd be a 
> better organization for this sort of thing?

Looking at the discussion there, part of the freesmartphone effort is
directly related with defining device independent D-Bus interface.

The rest will be probably work on smart phone daemon.

Stanislav Brabec

Angstrom-distro-devel mailing list

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